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Topics - ARandomFurry

Pages: [1]
Network / Question about TcpSocket::receive()
« on: June 10, 2015, 08:32:09 pm »
When I call receive() on a TcpSocket and there is more data available than the size of the buffer what happens to the rest of the data? Would I simple get it in a subsequent call of receive()? I'm using SFML 2.1 by the way and I know there is a partial status given for send() on Tcp now (in 2.3).

A small example case; lets suppose I use receive() to read a single character at a time, if I use a selector would selector.wait() trigger immediately, or would I have to stick selector.isready in a while loop?

General / sf::ConsoleWindow
« on: May 04, 2011, 03:56:36 am »
Is it remotely possible to make a console window in an SFML window? More specifically sf::RenderWindow.

It would only need functions similar to std::cout, std::cin, std::getline.

It would mean that cin wouldn't 'freeze' the window like it does in the console.

I've been trying to make one, but it's just in my range of skills.

PS: Is this the right place for this topic?

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