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Topics - blojayble

Pages: [1]
General / String iterators incompatibile
« on: August 30, 2013, 10:22:02 pm »

I was making my SFML app, and everything was all right when i compiled it in release mode, but when I tried debug, an weird error occurred. It shows when app is already working and refers to xstring file:

Program: C:\Windows\system32\MSVCP110D.dll
File: D:\programmes\visual-studio-2012\VC\INCLUDE\xstring
Line: 250

Expression: string iterators incompatible

By debugging I found what triggers that error:

void ThreadedRenderWin::create_(sf::VideoMode mode_, const std::string& title_, unsigned long style_, const sf::ContextSettings& settings_)
                eventThread.reset(new sf::Thread([&]()
                        sf::Lock createLock(createMutex);
                        sf::RenderWindow::create(mode_, title_, style_, settings_); //<-- This is the problematic function
                //Rest omitted


int main(){
        NG::ThreadedRenderWin RenderWin;
        RenderWin.create_(sf::VideoMode(800,680,32), "SFML");

//Event loop etc.

        return 0;

Still, in release there is no problem.
I don't know what is exactly wrong, so I put it in "General" category.

Any ideas? I use VS2012.

Thanks for every response!

General / Using events with WinAPI.
« on: October 31, 2011, 04:11:30 pm »
Hi all.

I have searched, but I still don't know it. Does events work if I use WinAPI like this:

http://www.sfml-dev.org/tutorials/1.6/graphics-win32.php  ?

If yes, how to do it? I tried by .GetEvent(Event) and

if( Event.Key.Code == sf::Key::A ) do something;

and it doesn't work. Maybe I placed it in wrong place...

I don't need a complete code,  just how to make it working. ;)

Thanks a lot for all answers.

Pages: [1]