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Topics - ntrncx

Pages: [1]
General / how to create a grid?
« on: November 22, 2011, 08:40:04 am »
in cmd you create a 2d array

Code: [Select]
for(int x=0;x<100;x++)
      for(int y=0;y<100;y++)

in sfml how i create a grid and draw the needed part?
any tutorial?or link?
i thought to create an object for each part but i dont know how to make it,
i want to explain me the logic and give me a tutorial or link with an example if you can,i searched on google but didnt found anything

thanks for your time

General / mouse click on moving animation problem
« on: November 19, 2011, 11:16:38 pm »
Hey all
Thats my second project and i am really new in all this,i study c++ for hobby.

Now to my problem if you can help me with documentation or advices will be apreciated :D

i use SFML obviously and this for animation http://www.sfml-dev.org/wiki/en/sources/frame_anim_animated

i have an animation and i want to be able to click it with the mouse where ever will be.
for mouse click i use that :

Code: [Select]
if(events.Type == events.MouseButtonReleased && events.MouseButton.Button == sf::Mouse::Left)
        if((input.GetMouseX()>=Tr.x && input.GetMouseX()<=Bl.x) && (input.GetMouseX()>=Bl.y && input.GetMouseY()<=Bl.y))
            App.Close(); // thats just for testing to see that if actually works,but it doesnt

the coordination is right Tr stands for top right corner and Bl for bottom left

in main i have that

Code: [Select]
for(int loop=totalBalloons-1;loop>=0;loop--)

i am almost sure that the problem is that the animations are inside vectors .

so they share things,any suggestions?
thanks for your time :D

Pages: [1]