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Topics - malatin3

Pages: [1]
I'm trying to set up a simple TCP client/server where a bunch of people can move blocks around a screen. The problem I'm getting right now is, whenever I have more than one client broadcasting location data, the delay between when the server receives the data and between when it sends it back to the clients gradually increases. One client is fine but it quickly builds up to delays that last up to 10 or more seconds.

If I tell the server to stop sending information back to the clients it runs normally... so I'm guessing that the problem lies somewhere with how I'm sending data.

I've tried hugely lowering the frame rate of my client and it didn't really have any effect on the lag. The packet sizes are also normally under 100 bytes.

Any ideas where I should start looking?

Graphics / Dissapearing text SFML2
« on: February 06, 2012, 09:25:04 am »
Hello everyone. I seem to have caused some strange problem I do not know how to fix. Frankly, I can't even seem to really pinpoint where it may be coming from so I'll do my best to describe it and then maybe you can tell me what part of my code I should examine first.

I was working on writing a chat client, and when I try to draw text to the screen I'll get missing characters. 'm' and 'a' are two that are frequently missing. Like typing the word "farmer" would end up displaying as "f r er" with holes where the characters should have been drawn.

On the server console that I am sending the string data to, I can see that characters aren't actually missing from the strings because they are being displayed correctly there.  

What's even weirder is that if I send a message from another client, sometimes it will cause the characters that were missing to suddenly appear and a new set of characters will disappear.

I had no problems with my client until I tried to move most of the chat functionality to its own class. However, despite my best effort, I can't really find anything that would have caused this with my new class.

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