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Topics - dzejkob

Pages: [1]
General / SFML 2.0 I have a problem with Code Blocks MinGW
« on: February 21, 2012, 10:03:45 pm »
Hi all.
Conforms to the tutorial contained on this site, but I stopped when my eyes when I showed up the picture.
I do not know what should I do to compile a static or dynamic  library.
Lib folder is empty.

If you generated a makefile, open a command shell and execute the make command corresponding to your environment. For example, run "nmake" if you generated a NMake (Visual C++) makefile, "mingw32-make" if you generated a MinGW (gcc) makefile, or simply "make" if you generated a Linux makefile.
Note: on Windows, the make program (nmake or mingw32-make) may not be accessible. If it's the case, don't forget to add it to your PATH environment variable; see the explanations at the beginning of the "Configuring your SFML build" section for more details.

Does anyone could better explain what it means?

Please help.

Pages: [1]