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Topics - Afr0

Pages: [1]
Graphics / PreserveOpenGLStates
« on: March 12, 2012, 02:50:34 pm »
Can someone give me a list of states preserved by PreserveOpenGLStates()?
I tried looking this up in the C# documentation, but it wasn't mentioned.
I really want to use SFML for rendering, because I can't figure out how to render the way I need to using XNA, but SFML seems to be doing some weird coordinate system changes that prevents OpenGL rendering from working the way it does in C and C++ (animations are fucked up, and when rendering triangles all seem to be rendered in the same place).
I tried editing the Nehe example in the Tao distribution to ensure that this was in fact a problem with SFML, but the Tao examples all keep crashing my computer (even when I compile as 32bit, as I'm on a 64bit system).

I also tried disabling the states by calling App.PreserveOpenGLStates(false), but that made me unable to render anything at all (except the SFML image).

Graphics / Tao memory access violation
« on: March 07, 2012, 05:01:34 pm »
Trying to draw with Tao gives me a memory access violation exception!

Code: [Select]
                        fixed (Vector3* Ptr = &Sim.BodyMesh.TransformedVertices[0])
                            Gl.glVertexPointer(3, Gl.GL_FLOAT, (int)((int)Marshal.OffsetOf(typeof(Vector3), "m_Y") -
                                (int)Marshal.OffsetOf(typeof(Vector3), "m_X") - sizeof(float)), (IntPtr)Ptr);
                        fixed (Vector2* Ptr = &Sim.BodyMesh.TransformedTexVertices[0])
                            Gl.glTexCoordPointer(2, Gl.GL_FLOAT, (int)((int)Marshal.OffsetOf(typeof(Vector3), "m_X") -
                                (int)Marshal.OffsetOf(typeof(Vector3), "m_Y") - sizeof(float)), (IntPtr)Ptr);
                        Gl.glDrawElements(Gl.GL_TRIANGLES, Sim.BodyMesh.FaceCount * 3, Gl.GL_UNSIGNED_INT,

The exception occurs when I'm calling glDrawElements()... does anyone know why?
I was thinking of using OpenTK, but I found a post where Laurent wrote that it was difficult (impossible?) to use it with SFML. :(

Please help!

Pages: [1]