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Topics - Gonzilla

Pages: [1]
DotNet / Keyboard.IsKeyPressed: How to detect 'dead' keys?
« on: June 12, 2012, 04:00:33 pm »
How can I detect if the user press the circumflex-key [^]?

When I press the [^]-Key I got following Code:
{[KeyEventArgs] Code(BackSlash) Alt(False) Control(False) Shift(False) System(False)}

The other dead keys like the ยด (LBrackets) and ` (RBrackets) working fine.

DotNet / Image constructor crash
« on: May 10, 2012, 10:20:33 pm »
Image img = new Image(0,0); //crash without any error message
Image img = new Image(0,0, Color.Red); //crash without any error message
Image img = new Image(0,0, null); //working

DotNet / Dual monitors: Fullscreen push away windows
« on: May 10, 2012, 10:33:12 am »
I have a dual monitor and when I set fullscreen, the SFML window (Monitor 1) push all the other windows on the other monitor (Monitor 2).

When I press WindowsKey + E the explorer normally opens on monitor 1 but after fullscreen it opens on monitor 2!?

Here are my monitor settings. Monitor 1 is the primary monitor.

DotNet / Display errors with text/font
« on: May 10, 2012, 09:41:52 am »
I found a bug with the Text/Font class.

Font size 100 [Working]
var work = new Text("a b c", Font.DefaultFont, 100);

Font size 170 [Working but with a dot at character b]
var work = new Text("a b c", Font.DefaultFont, 170);

Font size 200 [Not working character b is missing]
var work = new Text("a b c", Font.DefaultFont, 200);

DotNet / SFML 2.0 RC: Missing PostFX class
« on: May 09, 2012, 08:32:48 am »
Hey Laurent did you forget to implement the PostFx class or is it just renamed?

DotNet / How to get FPS in SFML 2 RC
« on: May 07, 2012, 10:09:29 pm »
I wonder how I get the frametime in SFML 2 RC. I looked at the C++ documentation and  there is a Clock class which is not in the .NET version!? Any other chance?

Pages: [1]