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Topics - Andrew_sl

Pages: [1]
General / Beginner mistakes, help me please.
« on: July 08, 2012, 07:07:07 pm »
I am a newbie and trying to work with SFML in visual studio 2010. I decided to analyze samples. Do not know how (with the aid of the search) I came across this example.
I copied the code into my project ... but in the following piece of code

m_shape.SetFillColor(sf::Color(255, 0, 255, 255));

    ground.BOD = world.CreateBody(&ground.DEF);
    ground.FIX.shape = &ground.SHAPE;
   ground.FIX.density = .7f;
   ground.FIX.friction = .9f;

   //text stuff to appear on the page
   sf::Font myFont;
   if (!myFont.LoadFromFile("../res/athena_u.TTF"))
      return EXIT_FAILURE;
    sf::Text Text("FPS", myFont);
    Text.SetColor(sf::Color(0, 255, 255, 255));
   //added these guys BHN
   sf::Text clearInstructions("Press [Space] to reset");
   sf::Text jumpInstructions("Press [A] to make blocks jump");
   clearInstructions.SetColor(sf::Color(200, 55, 100, 255));
   jumpInstructions.SetColor(sf::Color(200, 55, 100, 255));
   clearInstructions.SetPosition(25, 50);
   jumpInstructions.SetPosition(25, 70);

 vs2010  tells me

'SetOrigin' : is not a member of 'sf::RectangleShape'
'SetFillColor' : is not a member of 'sf::RectangleShape'
'LoadFromFile' : is not a member of 'sf::Font'
'SetCharacterSize' : is not a member of 'sf::Text'
'SetColor' : is not a member of 'sf::Text'
'SetPosition' : is not a member of 'sf::Text'
'IsOpen' : is not a member of 'sf::RenderWindow'
'SetRotation' : is not a member of 'sf::RectangleShape'
'SetPosition' : is not a member of 'sf::RectangleShape'

But in the manual also says that these classes have these features.
I use sfml2.0rc.
Please tell me what I'm doing wrong.
Thanks in advance. I hope I described the problem properly.

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