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Topics - Narok

Pages: [1]
This is part of what I have:
                while (hoverEnemy == true)
                        std::cout << "Hover\n";

                        if (clickEnemy)
                                numofclicks + 1;
                                std::stringstream text;
                                text << "Cop has " << EnemyObject.eHp(copHitPoints, numofclicks) << " hp left ";

                                std::cout << "Clicked\n";

                                if(copHitPoints == 0)
                                clickEnemy = false;

                        hoverEnemy = false;

What I want to do is make the health (copHitPoints) go down by 20 every click. The problem is when I set the clickEnemy to false at the end of the code above window.draw(copHp) pops up for a slight second. But when I leave out the clickEnemy = false; click is set to true infinity. What I also want is for the window.draw(cop) to "undraw" when clickEnemy is true.

The EnemyObject.eHp code:

        int eHp(int intialHp, int numClicks)
                if (numClicks == 1)
                        intialHp = 80;
                        return intialHp;

                if (numClicks == 2)
                        intialHp = 60;
                        return intialHp;

                if (numClicks == 3)
                        intialHp = 40;
                        return intialHp;

                if (numClicks == 4)
                        intialHp = 20;
                        return intialHp;

                if (numClicks == 5)
                        intialHp = 0;
                        return intialHp;
                if (numClicks < 6)
                        intialHp = 0;
                        return intialHp;

General / How do I convert a getBlobalBounds() to a int like thing
« on: August 10, 2012, 03:38:03 am »
I'm trying to make it so when I click on a shape it disapears:

      sf::FloatRect rectBounds = enemy.getGlobalBounds();

      if (mouseX == rectBounds && mouseY == rectBounds)
         hoverEnemy = true;

      if (clickEnemy == true && hoverEnemy)
         clickEnemy = false;

This ^ obviously doenst work. Is there a way I can do it?

General / Muliple Questions
« on: August 08, 2012, 10:19:56 pm »
1) Is there a way to make it so you can only collide with non-alpha parts of the picture? This has been bugging me for awhile because it would be so much easier to have this rather than having to make a ton of different shapes.
2) Also, does anyone know how to make a SFML editor, or know where a tut is for one?

3) Also does anyone know how to clear a shape on function command? Or make multiple shapes by using a for loop? I want to make a enemyClass where it has a die function and when the user clicks on the enemy it disapeers. Also I want a enemyObject tied to each enemy shape, is there a way to produce a mass of those?

4) How do you make it so when your mouse intersects a object and is  clicked the object disapears from ^ class.

My idea of what a for loop to make multiple enemies would look like:

sf::RectangleShape enemy;
enemy.setPosition (100, 200);

int j;

for (j=1; j>=10; j++)
    sf::RectangleShape enemy(j);
    enemy(j).setSize(sf::Vector2f(25, 25));
    enemy(j).setPosition (100+(25+(j)), 200);

    enemyClass enemyObject(j);

Answering any one of these would be extremly helpful


Pages: [1]