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Topics - Steef435

Pages: [1]
Graphics / [Solved]Get the focus of a window
« on: November 10, 2012, 01:50:44 pm »
Hello all,

At the moment I'm trying to put everything I've learned in a small project, just a point and click game.
It's like duck hunt, a duck flies through the air and you have to "shoot" it by clicking on it.
Here's my problem:
Every loop (1/25sec) I check if the left mouse button is down and if the "cooldown" of the gun is passed.
If that's true I check if the duck is shot etc.
This all works fine.
But when I click outside of my window, my program takes that as a attempt to shoot the duck, this ruins my whole system because I want to keep track of the longest sequence of good shots etc.
What I'm trying to achieve is this:
if ((WindowIsFocussed) && (MouseButtonIsDown) && (CooldownPassed))
//Check if duck is shot etc.

So I'm searching for a function like bool sf::Window::isFocussed() or getFocus, whatever.

If I search for this function I find a request topic, so I guess the function is not yet implemented.

Is there any workaround for me to do this? I don't like to use the event system because I want to be able to just hold the mouse button.
I can think of using a bool to keep track of every time I get an LostFocus and GainedFocus event, but I was just wondering if there was a more neat way to achieve this.
I also thought of creating my own class derived from sf::RenderWindow, but after a look at the files my head hurt ;D

Thanks in advance!

Graphics / [solved]Global sf::Renderwindow used in derived class
« on: November 04, 2012, 05:11:10 pm »
Hello all,

Perhaps I better say this first: I'm not sure if this is a question related to sfml or if I'm just being stupid at C++.
I fear for the latter ;D

I'm using the latest snapshot built on Ubuntu 12.10, my compiler is gcc.

This is my problem:
I'm trying to learn about different techniques for state-changing(from intro to menu etc.).
The one I'm now trying to implement uses a base GameState class which will be derived by all the states(not exceptional).
So that class, which looks something like this:
class Gamestate
    virtual void logic() = 0;
    virtual void input() = 0;
    virtual void render() = 0;
I derive in my Intro class.
I have a global sf::RenderWindow* window which I use in my derived class.
My input()-function looks something like this:
void input()
    sf::Event event;
    while (window->pollEvent(event))
         //process input...
This all compiles fine but when I try to run this program it gives me a segmentation fault(core dumped).
I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with my state-system, the debugger tells me the program gives the error after the first call to the RenderWindow out of my Intro-class, in the input function at the first line of pollEvent in Window.cpp.

Yes, I did initialize(is that the right word?) the RenderWindow, I did even call create() right after that just to be sure.

Again, I'm still quite new to C++ and sfml, so it could be something stupid I overlooked.

It would be very nice if someone could help me out with this, I'm already looking at this error for over an hour...


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