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Topics - Williamson

Pages: [1]
Graphics / How to texture a sphere?
« on: July 02, 2009, 11:34:03 am »
For a game I am making, I need to draw a sphere, representing a planet.
However, I cannot work out how do texture a sphere create dwith this code, by using a sf::Image
Code: [Select]
Thanks for any help that can be offered :)

Graphics / Getting absolute coordinates
« on: December 03, 2008, 07:09:11 pm »
Hi everyone!
Thanks to Wizzard, I managed to make a fair amount of progress, but I have hit another snag: I need to get the absolute coordinates of a point when it is clicked (so, not relative to the sf::View, but to the world itself). I tried
Code: [Select]
sf::Vector2f MousePosAbsolute;
                            MousePosAbsolute.x = displayWindow.GetInput().GetMouseX();
                            MousePosAbsolute.y = displayWindow.GetInput().GetMouseY();

But it didnt seem to work.
Have I done something wrong? Or am I barking up the wrong tree?

Graphics / Displaying a Sprite on a View
« on: November 30, 2008, 01:00:42 pm »
My name is Williamson, and I am currently making an MMO using SFML.
However, I have encountered a difficulty, which is that I dont know how to display a Sprite on a View, or at least in a way which makes it appear to be on the View. (like the interface in Age of Empires, which contains buttons and stuff like that)
Is this possible?
Thank you for any answers!

Pages: [1]