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Topics - emge

Pages: [1]
Im on a MBP with ML 10.8.2 using Xcode 4.5.2.

I followed this tutorial of SFML 2.0 Installation:

I have installed the latest version of XQuartz:

I installed SFML 2.0 Mac OS X 32+64 bits - installer (5.1 MB):

And then i create my new SFML Application with the Template:

Now i have my project and i press "Run" and the build fails with 1 issue:
ld: library not found for -lsfml-system-d
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)


I have googled this and all i could find that was near my problem was this:

I followed the link:

and I changed so my template had a default framework path setting.  However this didnt solve my issue.
As my problem is with the Library. I noticed they talked about it later in the comments but without solution.

I have tried for myself going into the Build Settings and then adding the row "uss/local/lib/" to the Library Search Path:

I assumed this is what has to be done. But its just a guess. However, this change did not have any effect :-\
Any suggestions?

Pages: [1]