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Topics - zephiro309

Pages: [1]
General / Rand() not working?
« on: December 08, 2012, 11:33:34 pm »
Im trying to relocate a sprite using rand(), but it doesn't seem to work

Considering the following excerpt:

std::cout << "Relocating goal..." << std::endl;
                        stick_x = (rand() % (640 - 32)) + 1;
                        stick_y = (rand() % (360 - 32)) + 1;
                        std::cout << "Position change..." << std::endl;
                        stick_sprite.setPosition(stick_x, stick_y);

X only increments by a few bits (4 or 5) and Y keeps decrementing (by, like, 30). I have no idea why. Also, this happens upon collision. However, when there is a change in position in only occurs after a second, instead on instantly.

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