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Topics - Chivos

Pages: [1]
General / Valgrind with SFML
« on: April 16, 2013, 01:54:45 am »
I have been working on getting Valgrind to work all day. Valgrind works well when I do not include any SFML headers, but the second I include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>, I get something like 2.6million errors. Obviously there is no way that this is being caused by SFML lol, but I am not sure what to do about it. Does anyone know why this might be happening? Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated! ;)

General / Problem with game loop
« on: January 09, 2013, 06:14:42 am »
I am relatively new to OOP. I have been working on this problem for awhile and cannot find a good way to do it.

In my class I have:

Code: [Select]
int GetNextCard(int &ReturnCard)                               //Idea is to set ReturnCard to the last element, then delete the element
        ReturnCard = cards.back();
        return ReturnCard;

void SetNextCard(std::vector<int> &NextCard, int  &ReturnCard)     //Idea is to add to a new vector what the value of returncard
{                                                                                                                       //This is done so I can use something like sprite[NextCard]
  NextCard.push_back(ReturnCard);                                                       //instead of sprite[0] or sprite[1]
}                                                                                                                       //I want to use this method because for htis and splits
                                                                                                                        //the sprite[0] method seems difficult to use as there is no
void dealcardone(sf::RenderTarget& App, int x, int y)                         //way to determine how many cards have gone out from
{                                                                                                                      //player to play.
    if (fStop == true)
        GetNextCard(ReturnCard);                                      //This is my draw function, uses bool to ensure it only runs once
        SetNextCard(NextCard, ReturnCard);
        fStop = false;

void dealcardtwo(sf::RenderTarget& App, int x, int y)
    if (fStop2 == true)
        SetNextCard(NextCard, ReturnCard);
        fStop2 = false;

The problem is that the second time the main game loop runs, the first card gets changed to the second same card. I know why it is happening. It is happening because the second time through when it redraws the value of NextCard has grown, so it changes. I do not see a good way around this well keeping the cards in the main game loop. The cards must stay in the main game loop though, as I will have to change the position of a card if the player splits. Can anyone point me in the right direction as to what I need to do here? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

General / Sprite Management question
« on: January 07, 2013, 08:16:47 pm »
I am working on an image manager. To do so, I have used a virtual function in my class to do my drawing.

Code: [Select]
virtual void Render(sf::RenderTarget& App) const;

Code: [Select]
void Graphics::Render(sf::RenderTarget& App) const

The issue is that I would like to use this same function to draw other sprites, but it seems that I cannot overload the function to include a string for the sprite.

Is there anyway to allow the sprite being drawn to be sent into the function so that I can use this draw function to draw multiple sprites in my manager? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

General / Image Class Question
« on: January 07, 2013, 04:30:42 am »
class Graphics




        sf::Sprite GetSprite(){return spriteBJtable;}
        sf::Image GetImage(){return BJtable;}

                void loadBJtable(std::string file)

                void sprite_loadBJtable(sf::Image& pic)


        sf::Image BJtable;
        sf::Sprite spriteBJtable;



I have been trying to work out a class that will handle my graphics. The issue that the image and sprite are staying private despite my return. After search around, I have run into similar code and tried some other methods; however, I have been met with a wall here. I apologize if this is a dumb question, but I have just started learning classes, and the book does not show any other methods other than get and set. Any help would be greatly appreciated.   

Graphics / Turn Based Game
« on: January 03, 2013, 08:05:27 am »
I am relatively new to c++ and SFML. For the purpose of practice, I figured I would try to complete a blackjack program. The approach I have taken is simply (deal, check-for-blackjacks-player one turn- player two turn, etc..) I have a basic game working; however, when attempting to add an option to split, I have come across a problem. I cannot change the position of the original dealt cards because I do not run the App.Draw for it until the game-loop resets.

Is there a way to delete a single sprite without redrawing? Or a way to hide it behind the background? Or something to get rid of it without needing to make the game one giant loop? any help would be... helpful ;) 

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