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Topics - snooc

Pages: [1]
General discussions / Portability Verion 1.6 to 2.0
« on: February 03, 2013, 03:44:20 am »
Well.. my question is pretty short.. :)

Will it be possible to easily update the library from v1.6 to v2.0?
I am asking especially after the network part I am using in a project right now.

And here is another little thing I'd like to ask..

SocketTCP::Accept() returns either sf::Socket::Done, sf::Socket::Error, sf::Socket::Disconnected or sf::Socket::NotReady but is there any way to specify the kind of error that occurs? Today I started a server that worked for a while (as I was programing). After two hours all of a sudden the Accept()-function returned sf::Socket::Error and I couldn't find out what the reason was for this. After rebooting my machine it worked again.. maybe it was my fault anyway.. but still.. it would be useful if there was an error specification for things like that (if that's even possible).

Best regards - and thank you that I may use your library :)

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