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Graphics / Problem with RenderTexture
« on: April 03, 2013, 10:08:29 am »

Not sure if I'm using RenderTexture incorrectly, but whenever the object goes out of scope I get an error:

Windows has triggered a breakpoint in SfmlTest.exe.
This may be due to a corruption of the heap, which indicates a bug in SfmlTest.exe or any of the DLLs it has loaded.
This may also be due to the user pressing F12 while SfmlTest.exe has focus.
The output window may have more diagnostic information.

sf::RenderWindow Window(sf::VideoMode(500,500, 32), "SfmlTest",sf::Style::Default);

        sf::RenderTexture texture;
        if (!texture.create(500, 500))
                return -1;
} //Error here. If I use a RenderTexture in a function I get the same problem

Do I somehow need to dispose RenderTexture before?

I'm using Sfml 2.0 RC, the debug dll's and the Debug configuration in VS2010

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