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Topics - ERROR

Pages: [1]
General / own dll using SFML results in linker error
« on: April 25, 2015, 05:03:32 pm »

I have used SFML in several projects before. But in my current project I want to create a new dll which also includes SFML. Before I did that I tried everything without SFML(creating own dll and using it in another projekt) and that worked fine. I can also compile my dll itself without any errors. But when I try to compile the project, which uses both, SFML and my own dll(reminder: dll also uses SFML) I get this error:

"Fehler   7   error C1083: Datei (Include) kann nicht geöffnet werden: "SFML\Graphics.hpp": No such file or directory"
(Translates into something like: "Error  7   error C1083: File (Include) can not be opened: "SFML\Graphics.hpp": No such file or directory")

And this intellisense error:
"IntelliSense: Die Datei "Quelle" kann nicht geöffnet werden: "SFML\Graphics.hpp"."
(Translates into something like: "IntelliSense: The file "source" can not be openend: "SFML\Graphics.hpp".")

It also sais, that these errors occur in files of my own dll. But like I said I can compile the dll itself without problems.

I assume that I link SFML correctly because I can compile the dll and I have linked it correctly in the last couple of years.

Some data:
using Windows 8.1, VC++ (Visual Studio 2013 Professional Update 4), linking SFML dynamicly into both my dll and my project using the dll, both projects are in one solution

I want to thank anybody who tries to help me :) And please just ask if you need any more information.


Graphics / VertexArray change Vertices
« on: August 26, 2014, 08:02:02 pm »
Hey Guys,

I wrote my own Text class which draws a string that came from a png file as a VertexArray. Font is also my own class.

This is the class:

class Text : public sf::Drawable, public sf::Transformable
        bool load(std::string text, Font font);
        bool load(std::string text, Font font, sf::IntRect bounds);
        bool ChangeText(std::string text, Font font, sf::IntRect bounds);
        virtual void draw(sf::RenderTarget& target, sf::RenderStates states) const
                //apply the transformation
                states.transform *= getTransform();

                //apply the Font Texture
                states.texture = &FontTexture;

                //draw the vertex array
                target.draw(Vertices, states);

        sf::Texture FontTexture;
        sf::VertexArray Vertices;

This is how I fill the VertexArray:

//define the 4 corners of the quad
                        sf::Vector2f topleft = sf::Vector2f(curRec.left, curRec.top);
                        sf::Vector2f  topright = sf::Vector2f(curRec.left + curRec.width, curRec.top);
                        sf::Vector2f  bottomright = sf::Vector2f(curRec.left + curRec.width, curRec.top + curRec.height);
                        sf::Vector2f  bottomleft = sf::Vector2f(curRec.left, curRec.top + curRec.height);

                        //define the 4 texture coordinates
                        sf::Vector2f tex_topleft = sf::Vector2f(rect.left, rect.top);
                        sf::Vector2f  tex_topright = sf::Vector2f(rect.left + rect.width, rect.top);
                        sf::Vector2f  tex_bottomright = sf::Vector2f(rect.left + rect.width, rect.top + rect.height);
                        sf::Vector2f  tex_bottomleft = sf::Vector2f(rect.left, rect.top + rect.height);

                        Vertices.append(sf::Vertex(topleft, tex_topleft));
                        Vertices.append(sf::Vertex(topright, tex_topright));
                        Vertices.append(sf::Vertex(bottomright, tex_bottomright));
                        Vertices.append(sf::Vertex(bottomleft, tex_bottomleft));

It works fine, but when I try to change the displayed text, my program crashes. To change the text I obviously call the "Text::ChangeText" method. At the beginning oft he method I call "Vertices.clear();" and when the programm trys to execute this line it crahs.
When I don't call the clear() method the displayed text doesn't change at all. For example I want to display "Gold:100" and change it to "Gold:90" but it stays at "Gold100".

What am i doing wrong?

General / SFML 2.0 in QT Creator
« on: June 13, 2013, 09:59:53 pm »
Hey Guys,
I am using SFML 2.0 in QT Creator 2.7.0. Well, actually I would like to ;).

I dowloaded this : http://sfml-dev.org/download/sfml/2.0/SFML-2.0-windows-gcc-4.7-mingw-32bits.zip
I am using MinGW 4.7 in QT Creator.

And this is the code in my .pro file:

CONFIG += console
CONFIG -= app_bundle
CONFIG -= qt

SOURCES += main.cpp

CONFIG(release, debug|release): LIBS += -lsfml-audio -lsfml-graphics -lsfml-network -lsfml-window -lsfml-system
CONFIG(debug, debug|release): LIBS += -lsfml-audio-d -lsfml-graphics-d -lsfml-network-d -lsfml-window-d -lsfml-system-d

# Windows
LIBS += -LE:/Coden/SFML/SFML_2_MinGW/lib
INCLUDEPATH += E:/Coden/SFML/SFML_2_MinGW/include
DEPENDPATH += E:/Coden/SFML/SFML_2_MinGW/include

And this is the code in the main.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
using namespace std;

int main()
    sf::VideoMode VMode(500,800);
    sf::RenderWindow Window(VMode,"Stoppuhr"); //Creating window
    cout << "Hello World!" << endl;
    return 0;

It builds properly, but when I start the program the window doesn't even show up. There is just the cmd which says "Press enter to close the window". If I start in Debug I get this error message:"During start up program exited with code 0x0000135"

Could anyone please help me out with that?

Additional infomation:
I tried this on my PC and on my Laptop.
Both are state of the art ;)
SFML runs in VS (with another SFML folder I did not mix them or anything)
I tried it for days now.Please somebody help me

Graphics / small part of an image
« on: April 21, 2013, 01:40:20 pm »

I am trying to make a button and the letters should be taken from a big image. I already have the image with the whole alphabet in it. My problem is that I don't know how to make a small sprite out of the big one.

Hope somebody can help me with that problem.

Pages: [1]