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Messages - Ironbell

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SFML projects / Re: Leowald
« on: July 10, 2018, 06:54:22 pm »
This is totally amazing. Zeran's Folly was one of the most polished, content-rich and cool SFML games ever and still is my personal favorite. And everything was made by a single person! Leowald is coming along nicely, I like the new concepts and changes compared to ZF.

Keep up the good work and keep us posted about updates. Can't wait to play the game! ;D

Edit: And, OMG, Cendric's there too! What an SFML crossover episode.

Hey Fallahn, I just tested your code and it works fine for me, no crash, no nothing (also not when I'm playing Cendric). I got an XBox controller connected while trying it out, Steam running and the connection to Steam is set up.
Did you test with an x64 build? Debug or release version? Any other ideas what could be different?

SFML projects / Re: Cendric: An RPG Platformer
« on: March 28, 2018, 11:19:03 pm »
Ah, sorry, I haven't visited the forum for some time. Thank you so much for your kind words, I really appreciate it. And yes I've also been part of indie game teams which never finished because the scope was too big and teams fell apart. Being the sole person on which the game depends on helps a lot - either you finish it or you don't.

SFML projects / Re: Cendric: An RPG Platformer
« on: March 17, 2018, 01:47:57 pm »
For those who wanted a DRM-free version of Cendric, go checkout


Also, if you don't have any spare money, we published a release directly on GitHub, alongside with the code and everything:


The code also has finally a license and is now "correctly" open-source. Have fun playing and reading through the 100k lines of code!

Community Links:
Wiki: https://cendric.gamepedia.com
Discord: https://discord.gg/6mJARSJ

SFML projects / Re: Cendric: An RPG Platformer
« on: February 28, 2018, 07:36:29 pm »
how about selling it on https://itch.io/

I'm definitely considering this. ;)

SFML projects / Re: Cendric: An RPG Platformer
« on: February 28, 2018, 03:04:17 pm »
Last Pre-Release Update

After three years of developing Cendric, the release date for version 1.0.0 is now set to
02. March 2018, 9.00 PM (UTC+1); 12:00 PM (PST)
on Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/681460/Cendric/

For those who want a DRM free version or just a free version, compile it from Github, or wait for a release (we will most likely upload a 1.0.0 build to Github, but after the Steam release).

Github: https://github.com/tizian/Cendric2

The game has reached an extent and complexity that I never even dreamt of when starting this project. Starting as a student & learn  C++ project, it consists now of over 100k lines of code, excluding external libraries. I know, measuring code by the number of lines is like measuring an airplane by its weight, but hey - it flies!

I started as a C++ noob and ended as a huge fan of the language, as well as SFML. Thank you for this journey!

I'll update you again as soon as the game is fully released. Until then, you can check out our community discord for questions, feedback, help or just screenshots and cat pictures, if you're interested: https://discordapp.com/invite/hsGSZ67

See you on the other side!

SFML projects / Re: Cendric: An RPG Platformer
« on: January 07, 2018, 03:32:07 pm »
You're right, I didn't really check the requirements, but mainly because I don't know the minimal requirements. For the 64bit: I never compiled the game for 32bit but I'd adjust it as soon as I upload a 32bit build.

Well, the code is open source, people who want it DRM free can just compile it. But I'll definitely consider itch.io as well, so thanks for the hint.

SFML projects / Re: Cendric: An RPG Platformer
« on: January 06, 2018, 05:01:55 pm »
Hey all! The Steam store page of Cendric is finally online. Take a look:


Also, check out or announcement trailer:

SFML projects / Re: Cendric: An RPG Platformer
« on: October 23, 2017, 11:25:14 pm »
Thank you! There's already a lot of people who registered. I wonder how I will deal with this. Also, I exhibited the game at a game show in Switzerland and people loved it. There were also quite a lot who asked about how it's implemented and the code. I referenced you :3

So thank you my SFML team.

SFML projects / Re: Cendric: An RPG Platformer
« on: October 22, 2017, 12:00:50 am »

Registrations for the closed beta are open!

As already mentioned before, Cendric will have a closed beta that will start on the 9th of November and go until the 30th November. If you're interested in getting fresh builds (one a week for three weeks), register. You can also earn points by reporting bugs.

This is an open source GitHub beta. It's an experiment, but we'll see how it goes. It would be great so see some of you guys participating. But, as always -> the beta will spoil you and you can also wait for the final version of course.

Have a great day. I'm going to sleep now.

SFML projects / Re: Cendric: An RPG Platformer
« on: September 17, 2017, 12:44:38 pm »
Time for a new update!

As I took this month off to finish the game, things are getting closer to release and I'm posting an update that was already long overdue.

Chapter IV is done and the only thing missing are a few levels, quests and the FINAL BOSS. Splitting the story into three paths with unique  spells, quests and even levels slowed the development process a bit down but what's a RPG without freedom of choice.

I'm also happy to announce that the team of active devs grew from 1 to 2, with a new composer: Matthew Harnage. You can take a look (a listen?) at the tracks for Cendric here:

There are still some tracks in the game from the main dev (Ironbell), but I really don't want to ruin the experience of the game with programmer music. At this point, I have to say however that the SFML game Zeran's Folly has the best programmer music I've ever heard. But he, not everyone is this talented *cough

Before the release on Steam, a closed beta will take place, approximately starting in the first or second week of October. Issues will be reported on Github, so you'll need an account there if you want to participate. Like a kickstarter, the closed beta will have rewards for reporting bugs, exploits, grammar mistakes etc. Unlike a kickstarter, I don't want your $$ but your saved game. Playing through the game will already grant you a Steam key for the final version, so it's worth it. I'll post more info about this soon for the people who'd like to participate.

SFML projects / Re: Cendric: An RPG Platformer
« on: May 29, 2017, 02:22:24 pm »
Aaand we did it! It's been Greenlit and we're so happy  ;D
SFML is starting to have a real squad of games on Steam, which is great.

SFML projects / Re: Cendric: An RPG Platformer
« on: May 13, 2017, 09:02:33 pm »
Oookay guys & gals, Cendric is on GREENLIGHT!

Would be great if you could drop a vote ;)


SFML projects / Re: Cendric: An RPG Platformer
« on: May 08, 2017, 10:06:49 pm »
Ah great, good to know :)
I  don't think it's going to be made into an engine because it's just too specific and there are things that are not yet nicely seperated (core vs. content). If I could start anew I would do so many things differently - how about an ECS using a database for component data, with perfect memory utilization. That's something I dream about  ;D

For now, I'm just focusing on finishing the game itself. But after that, who knows ;)

SFML projects / Re: Cendric: An RPG Platformer
« on: May 08, 2017, 04:30:38 pm »
Lua with custom environment tables (so you can use 'globals' and just do key = value in the file and not expose any functions to the config file) would be readable too. ;)
True, but I didn't even know about Lua when I started and writing a small parser is always a good exercise :)

I meant Lua as just data representation on disk and for editing. Stuff can still be loaded into dedicated C or C++ structs/classes/whatever at runtime, even a database. And the example is quite contrived and rare and I'd say and probably runs fine enough with pure C++. It might be premature optimization.
Yes but I wanted a clean representation of the data and only load it into memory when I need it. If I wanted to make comparisions like the SQL query I wrote, everything had to be loaded into memory and then compared using C++. Also, finding a certain item is very fast as I use two keys, one for the item type and one for the item id. It's like a hash map inside of a hash map. And, last but not least: Having experience with databases is never wrong ^^. Oh yes, and I make use of type safety and constraints. Also foreign keys: You can't add a convertible component to an item that doesn't exist.

(Image because the forum can't highlight SQL yet :P)

For me, it's not really more work as the SQLite interface is quite convenient and I can make use of the database functionality (see above). But to each his own, eh :)

I'm actually amazed that you use all three, I understand XML is just to parse tmx files probably since most people hate how verbose XML is but still. It's probably bad I think that but a game that uses XML, Lua and sqlite3 instantly feels like a more serious piece of software to me. I like how complete, packed with content and not like a tech demo your game feels, even though I enjoy metroidvania style platformers and design more than this style of platforming. I myself rarely move my projects past the proof of concept stage. I've never released anything I used Lua or my console in I don't think. ;D
Thanks. I count "using all three" also as an exercise. About the proof of concept stage: I think that's a problem all programmer-gamedevs face, we love to implement cool features but when it comes to content and polishing, we're getting bored. I work around this a bit by still adding logic to the game and refactoring the code while creating content.

And thanks for your other tips, I'll check them out :)

I hope you didn't insert all the items by hand using the command line tool and SQL written by hand. ;D
::) *cough. Partly. I've written a own small tool that helps me creating dialogues (choices and conditions can get confusing if you have pure Lua code) and it exports the logic to Lua and the text as SQL insert scripts. For the items... yes I write the SQL code myself but it just works for me :P

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