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Messages - Voroz

Pages: 1 ... 6 7 [8] 9
Graphics / Smoothing bug?
« on: March 21, 2010, 12:23:15 pm »
The built in image-smoothing don't do as good of a job as pre-anti-aliasing. Not close. But i did manage to get it done in corel draw, by chosing alpha color for the outside, and it can't even be filled with white and then say that white is gonna be alpha. I will get an ugly line then. It has to be no color at all, and alpha. This was a bit harder to do with holes in the tree, because if i chose no color it will become the color of the tree in the hole because of the layer system.
So i used eraser for the holes, and now it looks great ^^.

Btw any tips for a good vector supporting library. I found out about vectors not long ago, and they are so much better for games :).
I don't think i will want to change library right now perhaps, but it could be good to know for the future.

Graphics / blurry edges
« on: March 21, 2010, 12:15:03 pm »
does this mean that the scaling has to be done so the resulting width / height becomes an integer?

Graphics / blurry edges
« on: March 20, 2010, 09:44:52 pm »
ehm ok.. and how would i make sure that they do that?

Graphics / Smoothing bug?
« on: March 20, 2010, 03:53:04 pm »
Is it possible to add anti-aliasing in GIMP? I need both anti-aliasing and "Save color values from transparent pixels" in one program. Because i can't add anti-aliasing without the option "Save color values from transparent pixels". Then i will get a white line. :/

Graphics / Smoothing bug?
« on: March 20, 2010, 02:47:17 pm »
Thanks, that sounds like it could work, because atm i have a tree which is anti-aliased, and the edges looks good, but it has some "holes" in it which were filled with white color and added as alpha. The holes have the white line around the edges because of "Save color values from transparent pixels" then i suppose.

I will download the program and test out that option, thanks

General discussions / SFML 1.6 released soon
« on: March 20, 2010, 02:33:26 pm »
well say i have background color Magenta, CreateMaskFromColor to Magenta also. Smoothing turned off it is jagged and don't look too good. Smoothing turned on and there will be a line with Magenta color around the object. This also happens when using anti-aliasing from drawing programs, but that is understandable since their anti-aliasing isn't meant for having any other background than what is there. It seems to me though that SFML should be able to handle it.

Graphics / blurry edges
« on: March 20, 2010, 12:31:20 pm »
Hi. I have a problem with scaling. It keeps scaling back and forth, causing blurry edges. This is causing the same edges as i had when the character wouldn't stop moving proerly, so he moved back and forth between 2 frames close to eachother, causing this blurry edge look. Now he does it, but because of scaling.

I know this because it works without scaling, and the SetCenter location is not blurry, so it's caused by the scaling.

The question is. Why does it do that? I will post zoomed in pics to show you what i mean.

This is how it looks with scaling:

This is where i scale and draw char location:
Code: [Select]
//Set Scale
Character.SetScale(character.y / screenHeight, character.y / screenHeight);

//From struct to drawable
Character.SetPosition(character.x, character.y);

Anyone have any ideas what it could be?

Graphics / Smoothing bug?
« on: March 20, 2010, 10:22:56 am »
I use png images, how do i use a "true" transparent background? Yes i am using colorkey to set hidden color.

Graphics / Smoothing bug?
« on: March 20, 2010, 12:47:55 am »
yes i could use something that blends better, but that won't work if the sprite is moving, or if something moves behind it, or if the background has multiple colors. Yes it works to turn smoothing off, but then there is no smoothing on! :P. Will this be fixed in 1.6?

General discussions / SFML 1.6 released soon
« on: March 20, 2010, 12:25:45 am »
Will smoothing be fixed so it shows the true background color, not the one that is set to be hidden?
Really need this.

Graphics / Smoothing bug?
« on: March 19, 2010, 11:32:15 pm »
Hi, i have a problem. If i have smoothing enabled (default), then i will get a mix of the background color of the sprite, but it's set to not show! So i will get a line around my character which is the color of Magenta, instead of getting the color that is really in the background of my object.

Any way to fix this?

Graphics / How to load vector art?
« on: March 19, 2010, 11:13:26 pm »
ok thanks.

Graphics / How to load vector art?
« on: March 19, 2010, 08:46:40 pm »
Hi, is it possible to load vector art files? And if so, how?. The normal way:

Code: [Select]
if (!Image[4].LoadFromFile("Tree.eps"))
    return 0;
sf::Sprite tree;

does not work, says eps is not a known file type.

General discussions / SFML Scaling
« on: December 10, 2009, 04:46:17 pm »
i know this, but it's easier said than done ^^. Atm i am converting the floats to ints before i draw it, but it still shakes for a little while before it stops most of the time.

General discussions / SFML Scaling
« on: December 10, 2009, 05:31:58 am »
Ok i tried it in my program and it's working great :). Such an easy way to solve what seemed so hard ^^. Thx alot. Now i will see if i can find a way to make him stop shaking, then the movement + inventory is done :). I'm very new to sfml btw, came from SDL. This is much better imo. More features, and 500 times faster.

Thanks for taking the time to help me i appreciate it alot.

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