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Messages - Foaly

Pages: 1 ... 6 7 [8] 9 10 ... 31
General discussions / Re: Any idea on when SFML 2.2 will be out?
« on: February 04, 2014, 12:29:55 am »
hmm I agree more with the others. It would be better to make 2.2 a bugfix and minor feature release and keep improving the mobile ports in a seperate branch. It's always good to keep the master branch in a stable state.

Audio / Re: Sf::Sound for music
« on: February 02, 2014, 04:51:56 pm »
Yes sf::Sounds are played back in a different thread.
Just to get this right: You are loading a "music file" (a long sound file) in a sf::SoundBuffer and when you play it you get cracks and other distortions?

General discussions / Re: Current situation of SFML
« on: February 02, 2014, 01:18:01 am »
Good luck Laurent!
And thanks to Nexus for agreeing to take over, to keep SFML going!

Audio / Re: SFML In Windows Won't Play Sound
« on: January 29, 2014, 07:23:25 pm »
It is possible that the .wav file is broken, that happens sometimes, but usually you get a message in the console when trying to play a broken file. Maybe upload the file, so others can test it.

edit: you can also try to open the .wav file in a sound editor and export it as a .wav again, to make sure the file isn't malformatted.

Window / Re: Exposed Joystick Name, Product ID and Manufacturer ID
« on: January 21, 2014, 12:23:33 am »
I didn't have time to test it, but like suggested on your github tracker I think you have to declare inpid like this:
struct input_id inpid;
Your reference page is a bit unclear in that point, but I think that's what they mean with:
The argument is a pointer to an input_id structure
and that's how SDL does it. And it would fit to the error you are getting about the arguments begin invalid. Like I said, I couldn't test it though.

edit: also I would rename it to inputID. SFMLs variable names are usually not abriviated and in camelCase.

Window / Re: Exposed Joystick Name, Product ID and Manufacturer ID
« on: January 19, 2014, 11:54:15 pm »
I was able to get a hold of a joystick. Now i just need to find some time :D I will try to do some testing this week.

Window / Re: Exposed Joystick Name, Product ID and Manufacturer ID
« on: January 17, 2014, 12:55:15 am »
Uh that sucks... I've had a small problem when I updated VirtualBox, but it was a quick fix. Well at least it's working now!
I might be able to get a hold of a joystick, so hopefully I will be able do some testing soon.

About the default value. In my opinion the most self explaining option would be to have the default value of JoystickInfo.name set to "No Joystick". If a new joystick gets connected SFML tries to retrieve the joysticks name and save it. If it fails the name should get set to "Unknown Joystick". And if the joystick gets disconnected the name should be set back to "No Joystick". An empty string might get misinterpreted as no result or something is not working.

Feature requests / Re: An Implementation for Generic Blend Modes
« on: January 15, 2014, 09:58:14 am »
I'd love to see this implemented! I've always wanted to use the subtractive blend mode in SFML.
As far as I can tell the design looks good (although I am not an expert in OpenGL), but we'll wait what Laurent says.
Like exploit3r said if the change breakes backwards compatibility it would have to wait till SFML 3, but the way I understand your proposal it doesn't. (which would be even better :D)

Window / Re: Exposed Joystick Name, Product ID and Manufacturer ID
« on: January 15, 2014, 01:04:21 am »
To answer the question: I also use a virtual machine (VirtualBox) and Ubuntu. The host machine is a win 8. And I didn't run into any problems yet.
@Mario: Parsing the registry seems to be the only option. Laurent said that here.
I also agree that "Unknown Joystick" might be a bit confusing, but that again one should check beforehand with sf::Joystick::isConnected if the Joystick is even connected.

Audio / Re: Creating Device Selection for Playback
« on: January 15, 2014, 12:51:40 am »
Yep, that's the way I'd do it.

Feature requests / Re: allow to change speed without changing the pitch
« on: January 13, 2014, 12:52:39 am »
I don't really think that changing speed and pitch is highlevel audio processing, but it might still be a little out of SFMLs scope (although it would be really nice!) and there is the licensing issue.
Processing on sf::SoundBuffer is quiet easy, due to the getBuffer() method. I have done that before.
But I have not succeeded to manipulate sf::Music in real time. So like suggested it would be an awesome addition if there was a way to access the musics samples for processing. This would give everybody the freedom to do what they like (FFT analysis, pitch, distort...)

Audio / Re: Creating Device Selection for Playback
« on: January 13, 2014, 12:39:48 am »
Yeah this is a great idea! I actually thought about this when I implemented the device selection for the recording, but I never actually looked into it.
If there is only supposed to be one playback device for all sounds (and music), then I would suggest putting a static setPlaybackDevice (and the corresponding static getAvailablePlaybackDevice() and static getDefaultPlaybackDevice()) methods in sf::Sound. Those would then interact with AudioDevice.
I'm not really sure how to go about each sound being able to set it's own playback device.
We'll have to see what Laurent says.
And of course if nothing else is specified the default device should be selected.
If you need help coding or testing, I'd love to help!

Window / Re: Exposed Joystick Name, Product ID and Manufacturer ID
« on: January 13, 2014, 12:21:57 am »
This looks good! Sadly I don't have a joystick here to test it.
Maybe you should also leave a note about your fork on the github tracker, so this doesn't get lost in the forum.

SFML wiki / Re: Settings parser
« on: January 05, 2014, 07:02:03 pm »
Hello everybody!
I have been using the SettingsParser class from the wiki quiet a lot, especially for small projects (for settings or to keep some data between application runs).
I have modified/extended/improved the class a lot over time. The functionallity pretty much stayed the same, but I removed memory leaks, improved the error handeling, removed code duplication, changed the way files are loaded and lots of other stuff. I found some time today to clean it up and upload the code.
I invite everybody to take a look at it and give me some feedback.
I hope find this class as useful as I did.

Graphics / Re: AnimatedSprite undefined behavior
« on: January 04, 2014, 01:51:46 pm »
I just updated the code on the wiki and wrote a new example. Maybe that helps you too.

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