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Messages - bastien

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Python / [ignore] pysfml2-cython build request / weird errors
« on: October 06, 2011, 03:32:16 am »
I changed the API a lot in pysfml2-cython. Look at the examples if you want to get a quick overview, or read the documentation.

Python / [ignore] pysfml2-cython build request / weird errors
« on: October 05, 2011, 09:21:03 pm »
I currently don't have Windows available, so I'll try to cross-compile on GNU/Linux but it's probably going to take some time before I figure it out (I've never written CMake scripts).
If this fails I guess I can try to build it on someone else's machine. :D

Python / pysfml2-cython
« on: October 04, 2011, 06:19:18 pm »
The bug has been reported, actually: http://bugs.python.org/issue12641

A quick fix would be to edit the distutils/cygwinccompiler.py file in your Python installation to remove the -mno-cygwin option. Here in the Python repo: http://hg.python.org/cpython/file/f39b26ca7f3d/Lib/distutils/cygwinccompiler.py#l294

Python / pysfml2-cython
« on: October 04, 2011, 04:24:45 am »
I develop on GNU/Linux, but I could build and run the examples on Windows without any problem.
Normally it's pretty straightforward to build it with MinGW. You build SFML 2 first, then you add the SFML headers and libs to the corresponding folders of MinGW. Then you should be able to build pysfml2-cython with a command-line like python setup.py build_ext --inplace --compiler=mingw32.
Then you should have the module built in the current directory.

To test it quickly you can cd to the examples directory and type “PYTHONPATH=..” and then execute some of them (for the pong and shaders examples, it's PYTHONPATH=..\.. of course). Or just import sf from the command line and create a window or something.

Python / pysfml2-cython
« on: October 03, 2011, 07:27:06 pm »
Just to be sure, are you using this binding on Github or the official PySFML binding on sfml-dev.org?

Sadly, my Windows installation doesn't work anymore, and I don't really know when I'll be able to reinstall it, so I can't really test it on Windows. :?

Python / Bld error on ubuntu11.04
« on: September 10, 2011, 07:29:49 pm »
Someone else had the same problem, I added a warning in the documentation since a lot of people use Ubuntu and it's difficult to see where the problem comes from when the error occurs.

Python / pysfml2-cython
« on: August 24, 2011, 06:40:11 pm »
New URL for the documentation: http://pysfml2-cython.readthedocs.org/

Python / pysfml2-cython
« on: August 24, 2011, 06:10:52 pm »
Ah, sorry. It should work now, except that it's set_texture().
I will change Sprite to keep a reference to the texture, and I will probably also change all classes where it's possible. I want to avoid problems if SFML changes the C++ object internally, but maybe I'm just paranoid. :?

Python / pysfml2-cython
« on: August 19, 2011, 08:08:07 pm »
I updated the binding, it should work correctly now. The documentation isn't updated yet.

Quote from: "lattyware"
Just as a note, I recently discovered you can't load images before the window is created, or the images show up as solid white instead of the image. Not sure if this is intentional or a bug, but it's not consistant with the old bindings, and I spend quite some time figuring out what the issue was, while porting across a project from the old bindings, so it might be worth noting this in the binding's docs.

Thanks, I'll test that.

General discussions / sf::Texture implemented in SFML 2
« on: August 19, 2011, 06:47:15 pm »
I just saw that you renamed Image::LoadFromPixels() to Create(). Why?

General discussions / sf::Texture implemented in SFML 2
« on: August 19, 2011, 05:19:58 pm »
This may be a stupid question, but does create() recreate the texture if it was already created? Is it the right way to change the texture's dimensions?

Python / pysfml2-cython
« on: August 15, 2011, 01:08:11 am »
You're not wrong, I need to update the binding. I just fixed a problem with my GNU/Linux installation and I'm going to try to do this ASAP.

Python / pysfml2-cython
« on: August 10, 2011, 12:17:19 am »
This file needs to be executed before using the Visual Studio command-line tool. If you want to use Visual Studio, you should use the command-line prompt (I don't the remember the exact name) in Visual Studio's entry in the start menu.

If you want to use another compiler, you need to pass an option like --compiler=minwgw32 when invoking the setup script.

Python / Error Building the PySFML2-cython Bindings
« on: July 26, 2011, 03:38:04 pm »
I'm using the latest versions of SFML 2 and the binding. As far as I know, SFML doesn't use libiconv. Isn't it a problem with your MinGW installation?

Python / pysfml2-cython
« on: July 26, 2011, 03:09:01 pm »
I couldn't test shaders on GNU/Linux, so now that I have compiled the latest version on Windows I'm going to try to fix the example. Apparently the runtime error is simply because set_current_texture() must be used instead of set_texture(). The example still doesn't look right though, but I've never really used shaders and there doesn't seem to be an obvious bug in the binding code, so I'm not sure what the problem is.
I don't remember the worms.py example, but I'll check it out.

I just realized that the Pong example doesn't behave like the C++ one, though. It's not obvious whether I made a mistake when porting it or if it's a bug in the binding. :?

The only part of the documentation that I expect to complete in the near future is the tutorial. Adding complete documentation of the classes and methods would be a lot of work, which would be mostly redundant and subject to change a lot before a SFML 2 is stabilized.

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