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Messages - arnavb

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SFML projects / Re: Just another Snake clone
« on: August 07, 2017, 09:55:25 pm »
Here is the github repository with my code:


SFML projects / Re: Just another Snake clone
« on: August 07, 2017, 09:42:46 pm »
Hey @FRex Thanks for taking the time to look at my game! Yours is nice too!

Will you share the code too?
Sure, I will post it to GitHub probably today

It'd also be nice if the screen was resizeable, it's a bit hard to play comfortably on a 1080p screen and reacting to screen resizes is quite easy to do with SFML.

I mean, while I appreciate the feedback, I don't think this is really necessary for a Snake Game, but I will consider that for other games I make.

You also don't need to ship a 64 bit executable on windows usually.
It's a nice to have and shows your code isn't dependent on arch which is also good and it has some special upsides but it also has some downsides and isn't actually needed due to backwards compatibility of x64 with x86.
Many games, even double or triple A on Steam, ship just 32 bit exes.

Hmmm, interesting to hear. I was just reading an article about this (although I cannot remember or find the link  :P) Anyways, I was wondering what the upsides and downsides you mentioned are. The article said that if you have a choice, develop a 64 and 32 bit executable, but if you don't, just do 32 bit and don't worry about the rest. Since I have a choice here, should I follow your advice or this articles?

SFML projects / Just another Snake clone
« on: August 07, 2017, 12:49:51 am »
Hey guys, I recently started using SFML, and made a clone of the classic game Snake! I am really enjoying usage of the library, and plan on making more games with it. Anyways, I want to get feedback on my app (other than my questionable font and color choices ;P), and there are links to its download (sadly only for Windows (x64/x86)) below. Any and all feedback is appreciated. Thanks!

Links to .zip files (Just run the application in the folder)

Windows (x64): https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5LejbIN6T8gUGJXNFotZ0dJZTA/view?usp=sharing
Windows (x86): https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5LejbIN6T8gVmNBNXFJSHl1ckU/view?usp=sharing

Thanks Again!!

A screenshot is attached

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