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Messages - GreenFlame

Pages: 1 [2]
SFML projects / Sketch RPG
« on: September 05, 2010, 05:50:01 pm »
Looks very nice, and yeah
Quote from: "Finn"
Espacially the Life-/Manabar, huh? ;)

very interesting how you made them =)
Good Luck =D

SFML projects / Hello, I'm new here... my first project and my questions
« on: September 05, 2010, 05:36:00 pm »
If you mean this
then i already know it, i tried it and rectangular collision looked bad for me, pixel perfect test is perfect but takes too much resources, may be i used bad algorithm... but it works very fast with my own rectangular collision.
So, when i tested collision form the link it approximately looked like this:

Code: [Select]

if(window.GetInput().IsKeyDown(sf::Key::Up) &&

     if(Collision::PixelPerfectTest(sample.sprite, sample2.sprite, 127))

Also i've just realized that i can jsut remove the while loop)

And about pathfinding. Yeah, for example following, or moving from point A to point B, it is simple if there is only moving object, but what to do if, for example, there are some obstacles or other moving objects?

And thanks for reply =)

SFML projects / Ultimate Zombie Fighters
« on: September 05, 2010, 04:13:59 pm »
Hello, priomsrb, i was randomly looking  through the forum and found your project(Btw, a very nice game!), as i understand, you use Box2D and Cmake for collision, i tried to launch it some time ago, but it was sophisticated enough...
I'm very happy that i've finally found someone, who knows how to use Box2D, so could you explain to me how to work with it or give me a link to a good tutorial and to the source code for your game if it is open-source?

Thanks in Advance =)

SFML projects / Hello, I'm new here... my first project and my questions
« on: September 05, 2010, 04:01:31 pm »
Here is an exe of my first serious project, obviously using SFML
the link(748.69 kB)

If i may compare, the gameplay is going to be similar with Battlefield game series(usage of classes, vehicles, also some special abilities etc.)

I know it has bugs and doesn't look like game yet, so i need some help:
1)First, i'd like to ask about pathfinding, what algorithm is the best for such type of game?
2)Second, i'd like to ask about collisions, i've made my own rectangle-to-rectangle collision detection, but i'd like to have something more advanced, i've heared about Box2D and Cmake, could anyone tell me a little more about them?

Thanks in Advance =)

SFML projects / Hello, I'm new here... my first project and my questions
« on: September 05, 2010, 03:25:51 pm »
Hello everyone, my first post here! =D

Some intro:
I'm a beginner in game development, I wanted to create games since my childhood but i had no idea how to do that...(i think you are familiar with this kind of story).

So, in school i had some programming practice in Visual Basic at lessons and i finished an additional 2 week programming course(which repeated school material) before my graduating exam. I graduated from the school and now I'm a student.

I have been enjoying write programs since i've understood how to do that =)
I decided to learn C++ to make my dream become reality, so with time i came here.

Sorry for my English and
Good Luck, everyone! =D

Pages: 1 [2]