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Messages - Kolja

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General discussions / SFML 2 for OS X comes true!
« on: February 08, 2011, 03:09:23 pm »
Wouldn't such a solution imply that every frame would have to be scaled accordingly? Are the performance impacts of that small enough?

Otherwise, nice find!

General discussions / SFML 2 for OS X comes true!
« on: February 08, 2011, 10:57:24 am »
Quote from: "Hiura"
Quote from: "Kolja"
Switching to a windowed mode can be implemented via a shortcut, so that can be used if you want to access your IM while playing.
Yes, but not all applications want to do that (it might be a very bad user experience in some cases). So

Yeah, OK, but I doubt you will find a solution that pleases everyone. I presented my point of view and, as I said, it's a solution that is used by commercial applications as well. Maybe I'll take a look at Source engine games today, see what they do.

Quote from: "Hiura"
Quote from: "Kolja"
And AFAIK (please correct me if I'm wrong), such a switch can be done without having to reload all resources (e.g. textures), so it's still relatively fast.
Not always : sometime, depending on the screen size, you might want to load different image files (higher/lower resolution).

Of course, but you don't have to reload anything. So it can be done in a fast way, but there might be situations where it could take more time, depending on ones application.

Quote from: "Hiura"
Quote from: "Kolja"
On a slightly unrelated note: OS X still does not offer exclusive access to the video hardware, right?
I think it do offer such access but I don't know how (with Quartz framework maybe).

Huh, okay. I always blamed OS X's poor gaming performance on the non-exclusivity, guess I'll have to shift my blame to the drivers then ;-)

Quote from: "Hiura"

The problem is that when you capture the screen cmd+tab won't work at all.

Currently I implement the option B) kind of like you do in 1.6 except I use NSWindow's delegate methods (windowDidBecomeKey/ResignKey) instead of NSApplication notifications.

I guess Ceylo means capturing Cmd+Tab yourself, switching to desktop mode, release the screen, and resend a Cmd+Tab-Event to the system.

And to clarify my rooting for solution A, I always have something open while playing a game. Under normal circumstances I never have to resize a window, because the window manager remembers all my preferences, but when a fullscreen application screws it up it's really a hassle to get all windows back to their optimum sizes.

General discussions / SFML 2 for OS X comes true!
« on: February 07, 2011, 07:21:15 pm »
Having played a bit of StarCraft 2 over the last days, I would suggest option A, the one used by SC2.
It's a bit weird when Cmd+Tab doesn't work, but we're mostly making games or game-like applications so most people are used to such behavior.
Switching to a windowed mode can be implemented via a shortcut, so that can be used if you want to access your IM while playing. And AFAIK (please correct me if I'm wrong), such a switch can be done without having to reload all resources (e.g. textures), so it's still relatively fast.

On a slightly unrelated note: OS X still does not offer exclusive access to the video hardware, right? Because the window manager never shuts off hardware acceleration, like Win7 does for example.

General discussions / SFML 2 for OS X comes true!
« on: January 24, 2011, 02:15:54 pm »
On an unrelated note, shaders in the examples directory are something SFML-specific, right? Because the example only tells me that shaders are unsupported on my system, but GLSL definitely works here ;-)
I only use SFML for audio, input and a cross-platform OpenGL context I do my own drawing in, so all the graphics and sprite features of SFML don't concern me too much.

General discussions / SFML 2 for OS X comes true!
« on: January 24, 2011, 02:09:04 pm »
D'oh, sorry to have taken away your time. A reboot fixed it, now it works with both graphics cards. I'm not totally sure how such a bug "works" though, other hardware accelerated games worked fine.

General discussions / SFML 2 for OS X comes true!
« on: January 24, 2011, 01:13:38 pm »
Hey there!

Another Mac user here, I'll try to help with some testing when I find the time (currently it's exam time here though, so not now). But I'm really glad you are helping the OS X port along!

During my initial compile of the current SVN tarball I noticed (apart from the broken sndfile symlink) that all graphical examples only display something after the window has been obscured or moved - known bug or weird behavior on my system?

I'm on a MBP running 10.6.6 by the way, using the GeForce 9400M for now.

General discussions / FindSFML for CMAKE
« on: September 28, 2010, 02:25:05 pm »
Doesn't work for me.

The problem is the linking, SFML_LIBRARY is set to
Code: [Select]

I'm on OS X (10.6) obviously. /Library/Frameworks contains every sfml-<module>.framework, as well as SFML.framework.

An earlier version I tried (the first one posted inline here I believe) worked fine.

Can't see the fix from a first glance though, I'd expect the foreach loop to fill SFML_LIBRARY a bit more. But I only know cmake since yesterday, so no surprise there.

http://www.sfml-dev.org/forum/viewtopic.php?p=15578#15578 still works fine. So it broke in the last version.

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