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Messages - Walker

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SFML projects / Mappy tilemap engine playback library port for SFML
« on: April 14, 2010, 07:37:44 am »
Oh of course, I was experimenting just after my drawing routine so I was on a different layer than what I thought.  :oops:


SFML projects / CppCobra
« on: April 14, 2010, 04:37:12 am »
Looks good so far. Are you going to continue working on it?

I noticed it throws an error when I close it, have you got event handling for closing the window?

As far as the interface goes, it's not very user friendly to have to use the mouse to start the game again.

Keep it up. :)

SFML projects / Mappy tilemap engine playback library port for SFML
« on: April 14, 2010, 04:30:20 am »
Excellent, I'm starting to understand the collisions and other tile info stuff now. I think.

Code: [Select]
GetMapBlockInPixels(x, y)

Returns the BLKSTR struct for the tile at PIXELS x, y? GetMapBlock(x, y) returns BLKSTR for TILE x, y?

Code: [Select]
if(TileMap.GetMapBlockInPixels(pos1x,pos1y)->tr) return true;

Basically checks if the 'tr' box in the editor was checked? I can't seem to get this to work in my own code.

How do you check the value one of the User variables?

SFML projects / Mappy tilemap engine playback library port for SFML
« on: April 13, 2010, 07:27:28 am »
I found mappy a few days ago and dreaded the thought of working it into SFML. I've been playing around with your port a bit and it seems to do everything I need at the moment.

Have you made any more progress? Are you still planning to create a bit of an example on how to use it? I've been working through the Allegro example but I don't have the Allegro library so a working example I can compile and run would be great.

Cheers :)

SFML website / Tutorials
« on: April 03, 2010, 03:48:51 am »
The MSVC getting started guide takes you from downloading the library to setting up your first project. It even gives you links to the download page.

I don't understand where any confusion would be coming from. Is there a particular point you don't understand?

SFML projects / My SFML project - shoot 'em up game
« on: March 21, 2010, 06:52:22 am »
The graphics/sound/input (bits you will use SFML for) are the easy part  :lol:

I think most people struggle working out how to do "levels" - enemy movement, bosses etc.

By the way, that kind of shmup is usually referred to as "bullet hell". If you haven't seen it, 'Perfect Cherry Blossom' is definitely worth a look as far as bullet hell shmups go. Probably one of the best looking shmups ever IMO.

General / Does SFML support Pixel perfect collision
« on: March 19, 2010, 04:15:02 am »
SFML isn't a game library.

However, there is a collision detection class in the wiki.


General / Global vars
« on: March 08, 2010, 08:37:45 am »
Yes, that makes much more sense.

A class should offer services, not data.

I probably would have told someone that even though I'm not really doing it myself, lol.

Thanks for the tips

Graphics / Scrolling Background
« on: March 08, 2010, 04:07:28 am »
I'm not going to code it for you, sorry.

I meant attach the view to the submarine/player.

Simply move the view each frame to atleast the X coordinate of your sprite/player/sub, you could leave the Y at the center of the window so that your player can go up and down without the view looking past the background sprite.

Just try and do it. You will probably get it working.

General / Global vars
« on: March 08, 2010, 03:59:33 am »
I'm not sure if I'm doing it "correctly", but I usually try not to need to do this.

I try to make my classes (except for window/drawing classes) never have to access the window themselves.

For example, if you have a class that has a sprite you need to draw, you can write a getSprite() function, that returns the sprite. Then do

Code: [Select]
RenderWindow.Draw (object.getSprite());

Someone else can hopefully explain whether or not this is a good idea...  :lol:

Audio / Alternative audio libraries - suggestions?
« on: March 07, 2010, 05:41:03 am »
Thanks for the tip. I've decided to look into midi libraries for now.

Graphics / Creating std::vector of sf::Image/Sound
« on: March 07, 2010, 05:38:12 am »
I don't think there is any issue with your example. I think the problems the tutorial mentions come when you copy images.

I just had a skim through the image/sprite tutorial and it even mentions (at the end) that you can use an "image manager", which sounds similar to what you are doing.

Vectors are pretty awesome :)

Graphics / Scrolling Background
« on: March 07, 2010, 05:26:22 am »
Well if the background is one long picture, just start it a 0 and move it left whenever you need to. Or you could use a view and have it "attached" to your submarine.

Have you tried implementing anything yet?

Graphics / Scrolling Background
« on: March 06, 2010, 04:44:25 am »
Depends on what you mean by "scrolling background". For a shmup I would just have the background tiled past the end of the window. For example, a window 1024x768 tile1.x would start at 0, tile2.x (same image as tile1) would start at 1024, both tiles will move by whatever increment towards the left,

while gameisopen

- increment tiles

if tile1.x == -1024 (offscreen) then tile1.x = 1024

if tile2.x == -1024, then tile2.x = 1024

end while

It can probably be even simpler.

For an adventure type game, you could do it as model76 explained.

What is "this project"? Information is good.

SFML projects / BreakOut Invaders! a.k.a. "Copyright infringment!"
« on: March 03, 2010, 11:56:44 am »
I wasn't really thinking of continuing it just yet, I'm isolating myself from it for a few days before I start thinking about that (I did the whole thing in the last 4, pretty much the only thing I've been thinking about), but it's a definite possibility. Your words are encouraging too, lol. :)

Thanks for checking it out

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