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Messages - fallahn

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SFML projects / Re: SpaceGO
« on: April 13, 2018, 02:48:59 pm »
Looks good! I really like the crisp look of the graphics. I also get a vibe from the UI that you might be developing this as a future mobile game?

Thanks for the support! And thank you to anyone else who has bought the game :D I've had some good feedback so far, and I'll hopefully be releasing an update in the coming week or so.

The game is now live on Steam!!  ;D

Store page:

DXDiag doesn't give me anything more helpful than 'DirectX12'. As I understand it DirectInput is frozen at 8 anyway, since microsoft favours XInput these days

Yeah I have the appid all set correctly. This is actually my second Steam project, the first one (released today!) is working fine with an older revision of SFML - I just decided to update while I work on this new project. I ended up spending a couple of hours in the checkout->build->test cycle narrowing the problem down to this commit. That's the odd thing, if I move to one revision earlier everything works fine.

I guess there's something wrong with both of my dev environments in that case... but I have no idea what :/

I've tested this at work, Windows 10 pro 64 with no controller attached in both debug and release. I've also tried it at home with Windows 7 64 Home Edition with no controller, an X360 controller and an XBONE controller, again in debug and release. All builds have been 64 bit. The only thing I think might be different is the version of Windows SDK? Apparently I'm using 10.0.16299.0

Window / DInput update appears to cause an exception with Steam API
« on: April 11, 2018, 07:16:00 pm »
When using the Steam API closing the application throws this error

(I later loaded the debug symbols for ntdll.dll to find the function is RtlFreeHeap())

 on any version of SFML since this commit 'Added support for interfacing with joysticks via DirectInput'. This happens on Windows 7/10 64bit using VS2017 and can be recreated thusly:

#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include <steam/steam_api.h>

int main()
        sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(200, 200), "SFML works!");
        sf::CircleShape shape(100.f);

        while (window.isOpen())
            sf::Event event;
            while (window.pollEvent(event))
                if (event.type == sf::Event::Closed)


    return 0;


Commenting out the two Steam specific lines stops the error from happening. I realise this is probably a Steam problem as much as anything and I shall be reposting this on the developer forums, but I'd like to point it out here as it is likely the next version of SFML (as the current revision all ready does) will break any games by people developing for Steam, who decide to update SFML.

If you've been on the IRC channel you'll know I've been working on this for the past few months - and now it's ready for Steam release!

Castle Clamber is an arcade inspired action platformer for one or two players, either locally or over a network. It tells the time-old story of a devoted underdog, blinded by a well-meaning sense of duty and a rose tinted visor. Trap enemies in your bubbles, defeat them with explosions or crush them with crates! Reclaim the food they stole and carry it to the waiting Princess Niamh to collect your prize and earn a place in the world online rankings.

A big thanks goes to everyone who helped out on this: Jonny, Rosme, Therocode, Tank, select_this to name but a few (sorry if I forgot anyone!)

Castle Clamber will be available from 12th April 2018 for Windows and macOS, with linux support hopefully to come. The store page is here!

Window / Re: Vs 2017 sfml error
« on: March 17, 2018, 06:42:01 pm »
It sounds like when you set up the project you accidentally typed 'sfml-windows.lib' in your project settings, instead of 'sfml-window.lib', so double check that.

    if(event.key.code == sf::Keyboard::Escape)

You don't check this event is a key press first, so, as sf::Event is a union, the key code will have undefined data during other events. In this case the mouse move event is probably triggering window.close()

General / Re: Image of Sprite Skipping on Screen
« on: February 16, 2018, 08:58:04 am »

Orthographic projections are still 3D, they just don't provide any perspective calculation. If your camera position (ie your view matrix) is set to the default 0 on the Z axis, then any geometry with a positive Z value will end up behind the camera - which is why you can't see it. Try setting the Z positions to negative values which will move them away from the camera - although, again, you won't be able to see them if they go beyond the far clip plane and I don't know what the default value is for that is in SFML.

General / Re: Game Loop Lag
« on: December 26, 2017, 11:28:09 pm »
It could well be the effect described here:

There's no magic bullet as far as I know, and interpolated rendering can be a bit of a pain to set up. Hapax has made a useful library that can help make it less of a chore:

Graphics / Re: Problem with the assetmanager from the book SFML essentials
« on: December 26, 2017, 11:19:39 pm »
Currently I prefer the resource manager outlined in SFML Game Development. It's not a singleton, so it relies on scope to help better manage resources: for example you might have an instance of the resource manager in your menu state, and another in the game state. When you load your menu all the resources are held by its own resource manager - and unloaded again as the menu is destroyed and game state loaded. If this were a singleton you'd either have to specifiy resources to unload when switching from your menu to your game state, or live with having all your menu resources loaded even when you're not in a menu, which seems a bit counter-intuitive (to my mind) for a resource manager. If there are resources which do need to be shared between states then passing a reference to the resource manager to each state is easy. Secondly it uses unique_ptr for underlying storage - not only does this help prevent memory leaks and negate the need for manual memory management, it has the advantage of being templated, making it easier to template the resource manager itself. This way switching the resource types from sf::Texture to sf::Image (or even other types such as sf::SoundBuffer) is as simple as supplying a different template parameter. EG:

ResourceManager<sf::Texture> textureResource;
ResourceManager<sf::Image> imageResource;

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