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Messages - dabbertorres

Pages: 1 ... 14 15 [16] 17 18 ... 34
SFML website / Small Typo
« on: September 29, 2015, 02:51:50 am »
Just an FYI:

"Activate of deactivate..."

Appears to go back to at least the 2.0 documentation!

General / Re: SFML + Eclipse. Nothing happens when I press "Run"
« on: September 26, 2015, 07:45:47 pm »
Personally, I think the best option is to get this version of MinGW, and then compile SFML yourself. The Nuwen version comes with extra tools that come in handy, and with GCC 5.1, so you get more C++14 support.

General / Re: SFML + Eclipse. Nothing happens when I press "Run"
« on: September 26, 2015, 04:42:39 am »
Is the compiler exe in your path? Can you get the name of the compiler exe? Something like mingw-g++ iirc. If so, then open a cmd, and run "<compiler exe> -v" and paste the output.

If it isn't in your path, open a cmd in the folder that the exe is in (hold Shift, and right click in the folder), and then do the same thing.

General / Re: SFML + Eclipse. Nothing happens when I press "Run"
« on: September 26, 2015, 01:03:56 am »
32 bit or 64 bit? I'm assuming you're using the 64 bit compiler with the 32 bit DLLs then. Or you have the SJLJ compiler and the DW2 DLLs.

General / Re: SFML + Eclipse. Nothing happens when I press "Run"
« on: September 25, 2015, 11:31:05 pm »
Yep. That would be it. Which version of MinGW did you download? Or, where did you download MinGW from? (There are several versions and distributions of MinGW.) It's not Eclipse, it's your compiler.

General / Re: SFML + Eclipse. Nothing happens when I press "Run"
« on: September 25, 2015, 07:38:47 pm »
Launch it in a debugger, put a breakpoint early in your program's execution, and step line by line until you find out the reason for the (seemingly) early exit.

Graphics / Re: How to have a pointer to sf::Drawable in a base class?
« on: September 25, 2015, 09:58:30 am »
No, that is not required. Only when you have the name of a base class' member hidden, do you have to specify the scope.

General / Re: Building SFML game with makefile issue
« on: September 18, 2015, 02:03:49 am »
On most other Unix-likes you set the rpath, though it looks like Apple changed things for OSX. Take a look at this SO answer, and see if that works.

Hiura or other OSX people may know more.

General discussions / Re: Fundraiser for a Mac mini
« on: September 15, 2015, 09:44:51 pm »
Finally a way to donate to SFML! Done!

There was a dontation button on the website all the time  :P



I could've swore seeing somewhere Laurent saying "Thanks, but no thanks" in regards to donations. Oh well. Goes to show how often I look at SFML's home page. Haha...

Feature requests / Re: Facility to get standard paths
« on: September 15, 2015, 09:10:28 pm »
I made my own Path sort of class implementations. Path reduction was not that hard, as Mario said about API calls, both Windows and Linux have functions to get the "realpath" (as Linux calls it) from a path string.


If inspiration is needed/desired/wanted/etc, here's mine. It's not quite complete. I think I didn't get into much permissions stuff on Windows, and I don't have an OSX machine, so that is lacking.

Here's an example of using it:
(click to show/hide)

PS: Just to make it clear, I'm not intending to step on anyone's toes, or force my project on to you guys. I'm just offering another example of how someone else did it, and a place to get guidance/etc from!

General discussions / Re: Fundraiser for a Mac mini
« on: September 15, 2015, 08:52:38 pm »
Finally a way to donate to SFML! Done!

SFML projects / Re:creation - a top down action rpg about undeads
« on: September 11, 2015, 05:05:01 am »
I've gotten table keys and values like this. It's how I've made an std::map<K, V> out of a Lua table (albeit, a Lua table with keys of the same type, and values of the same type).

I also ended up making syntax to get values from a table like:
bool someBool = luaState["someTable"]["anotherTable"]["yetAnotherTable"]["myBoolFinally"];

SFML projects / Re:creation - a top down action rpg about undeads
« on: September 10, 2015, 09:15:36 pm »
You'll be happy to find this then! (Translations are on the Master sheet)

SFML projects / Re:creation - a top down action rpg about undeads
« on: September 09, 2015, 10:00:34 pm »
How common is it to use RTTI (typeid) for ECS designs? That can slow things down or create bloat from what I've seen. I've used enums and been happy.

DotNet / Re: SFML and Windows Forms Application in VC C++
« on: September 09, 2015, 09:51:36 pm »
If you're going to use C# for the UI, might as well just get VS2015. You'll have to compile all of SFML's dependencies as well though, so VS2013 will work if you don't want to do that.
I haven't used SFML.NET, but if it's like any other C# library (I assume so), then it's pretty much plug and play...

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