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Messages - dabbertorres

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General discussions / Re: Clipboard support on Linux: A few hiccups.
« on: August 21, 2015, 06:45:27 pm »
I think he's referring to C++'s "don't pay for what you don't use" concept. A hidden thread and/or window are contrary to that train of thought. If someone doesn't need/want clipboard support, they're automatically getting extra stuff in their SFML application.

Would a setClipboardEnabled or something function be plausible? Kind of like setKeyRepeatEnabled and setVerticalSyncEnabled. That would satisfy what Juhani mentioned, I think.

But then again, for me, I'm not really sure what I'd like (as a user) for this API. I see the merits of a global sf::Clipboard class, but then again, if it's possible to not have more stuff going on in the backend, that'd be nice.

Maybe an optional Window argument? If a (valid) Window object is given as an argument, use it, otherwise, use a global Window.

SFML projects / Re:creation - a top down action rpg about undeads
« on: August 21, 2015, 06:24:31 pm »
For the attacking, an event/message/etc might work well. Play the attack animation like any other animation, but, make it send a message at the point when you want the attack to damage something.
Have some sort of listener that checks if there is a damageable object in range of the swing. If so, damage that object. If not, do nothing.

Though, that would only make the swing damaging at one point in time. If it's a wide swing, for example, technically it should damage anything it intersects at any point during the animation. In that case, maybe a collision box around the weapon would be good. Then you can just use your existing collision system, probably.

SFML projects / Re: Klinke
« on: August 20, 2015, 06:18:01 pm »
If I do put the code up I won't put it in the same repo as it ends up losing the binaries and you have people searching through source code and that for the .exe versions.
The Releases functionality on Github is what you're looking for then.

Graphics / Re: Image scanning
« on: August 20, 2015, 06:16:31 am »

System / Re: Joystick Disconnect causes Crash at pollEvent()
« on: August 20, 2015, 03:36:12 am »
This thread looks possibly related? Both are going through the same function call at least.

Though, I found this tweet that describes what sounds like to me what is going here in Acumen's situation. Though he solved it with a workaround ("Reducing controller count check to 4 solves it for me"), because according to him, it's a bug in Windows.

From what I did read on other stuff, most people claim WinMM (which I guess is what SFML is using in this case?) is "ancient", "deprecated", and in a "won't fix" state. Which is unfortunate.

SFML projects / Re:creation - a top down action rpg about undeads
« on: August 19, 2015, 09:14:28 pm »
I'm also learning some OpenGL. What are some books/tutorials would you recommend? (Preferably OpenGL 3.x because my graphics card doesn't support OpenGL 4, heh).

I'm a fan of https://open.gl/. It even has a guide of setting up an OpenGL context and input handling with SFML (along with SDL and GLFW).

Graphics / Re: Fullscreen disables second monitor
« on: August 15, 2015, 07:19:37 pm »
This is because of how X implementations treat multiple monitors differently compared to Windows.

X (at least implementations that I've used) by default has all monitors on one screen. When you go fullscreen, you change the screen size. If this is smaller than the screen with multiple monitors, extra monitors are disabled, because the screen no longer spans all of them.

In Windows, by default, each monitor has its own "screen". Unless you enable Nvidia surround/AMD equivalent/etc, which do what X does by default. If you enable that on Windows, you'll get the same behavior as you do on Linux.

This is why many games on Linux, for fullscreen, actually create a fullscreen window.

You could make each monitor have its own X screen, but, that's a user configuration choice, which an application cannot (and should not, imo) change.

General / Re: How to setup a game server in the best way?
« on: August 12, 2015, 12:41:28 am »
The pong game syncs positions as long as both are connected, but does not save the position where they left in any kind of persisten way. That's what I wanted to know how to do. I always think of databases being slow.

Of course you can write it when they click leave, but they could also disconnect etc
Have you ever been in an online game, get disconnected, reconnect, and your player is back where they were some time ago, and not when you disconnected? Most servers only sync with clients every so often, not constantly, partly for the reasons you mentioned.

Graphics / Re: Blinking screen when using massive view.move ?
« on: August 10, 2015, 07:06:14 pm »
Two more things:
  • You're mixing events and real-time input polling. sf::Mouse::getPosition() is real time. The events you have cases for have mouse position members. Use those.
  • sf::Mouse::getPosition() gets the mouse position relative to the desktop, not the window. You'd want sf::Mouse::getPosition(window) instead. However, if you use events as above, this won't be an issue

I actually meant to come back to this, but I must've forgotten, sorry about that.

I'm happy to hear you got it working though! Yes, it is odd that SpriteWrapper is working fine, but I'd need to see the implementation to tell. Feel free to reply with that and I'll try to give you an explanation.

General / Re: Issue with Threads and Recreating sf::RenderWindow
« on: August 08, 2015, 06:34:35 pm »
You need a way to make the drawThread call window.setActive(true), iirc.

Graphics / Re: My SFML project occasionally BSOD's me
« on: August 05, 2015, 05:57:54 am »
Sounds like the most recent Nvidia driver. I've heard of it giving issues to LOTS of people. You could try the previous version, and stick with that if you don't have issues with it.

Yeah, I can understand why C was chosen. There are definitely benefits to using C, I won't argue that. I just feel like if you're going to use C, why not just use POSIX dirent (he wraps it anyway)? It has a Windows port (or used to, at least).

It definitely looks to be good and quite useful, if I'm doing a project in C. :)

Yeah, I've used it in the past. Definitely handy, and done very well. I've found it to be a bit overengineered in some cases though.
Plus, I wanted a few things it didn't have.
And the fact they needed to override std::fstream and such is a minor annoyance.

Mostly nitpicking, but, as I use my own library in my free time and out of enjoyment, it's okay to be picky. Hehe.

I did end up taking a lot of inspiration from Boost.Filesystem though.

It has a leg up on me in locale support though, so I use it when I need it. That's a thing I need more practice with.

Graphics / Re: Blurred tiles when moving
« on: August 04, 2015, 08:58:59 pm »
Something along the lines of "interpolation" would be my guess. Unfortunately, I haven't used an AMD card in a long time, so I don't remember much of the driver settings.

Graphics / Re: Blurred tiles when moving
« on: August 04, 2015, 06:49:34 pm »
I'm not seeing any blur here, and I ran your exe as well as compiling it myself as well.

What graphics card and driver do you have? You might have a driver setting on.
Or, what kind of monitor are you using? I know that some monitors/TVs nowadays are starting to do automatic interpolation between frames.

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