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Messages - dabbertorres

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Yeah, I'm with everyone else, it looks good and useful, but especially something like filesystem access, C++ is quite nice.

Unfortunately (imo), most filesystem libraries are very C. I mean, I understand why, but, eh. Haha.
Kinda left me to just write my own and stop complaining to myself. :P

Your issue is with C vs C++ compatibility.

You're using C++ code with lots of references, which C has no concept of. Lua is written in C, so it will only pass things by value or by pointer.

I haven't used LuaBridge myself, so I don't know what it does or doesn't do, but that's my bet on what your issue is.

I know I ran into it when I was writing my Lua binding. Hehe.

Graphics / Re: Creating sf::RenderTexture in a separate thread
« on: July 28, 2015, 07:00:31 pm »
I figured out what is going on. Because the RenderTexture's context is created on a different thread, the context stays there. When that thread dies, its context dies with it.

So, one easy way to fix it would be to keep the thread alive for as long as you use the RenderTexture.

I found some interesting behavior though. I'm having the createTexture thread wait once it's finished, calling rt.setActive(true) on the main thread, then letting the createTexture thread continue and exit.
When doing this, I can clear from the RenderTexture, but I can't draw to it:

(click to show/hide)

I'm clearing sf::Color::White in the sf::RenderTexture, and clearing sf::Color::Black on the window. I'm also drawing triangles to the sf::RenderTexture. All that shows is white.
(See attached photo if needed.)

Whereas before I made this change, clearing sf::Color::White on the sf::RenderTexture would still show all black.

SFML projects / Re: Kronos - Action, RPG, Roguelike
« on: July 25, 2015, 10:43:16 pm »
Sounds you like reimplemented coroutines. :)

It's looking good!

SFML projects / Re:creation - a top down action rpg about undeads
« on: July 24, 2015, 06:11:52 pm »
Talk about a developer listening to feedback!  ;D

Ok, I actually have a question, though it's more art than programming. Maybe it'd be better for twitter. Oh well.

How do you draw the game's perspective? With the game's sprites, I mean.
You have the "half top-down, half at-an-angle" perspective down really well I think.

Is it all in the art, or are you doing something on the programming side as well?

I've tried drawing sprites in that perspective as well, and I just can't seem to be satisfied with the results. I've never claimed to be an artist though. :)

So, I guess, main question is: Do you have any tips for drawing sprites in the perspective you have in Re:creation?

Through using Unity at work, I've come to really like their anchor feature, it's quite handy.

As a comparison to an already existing feature in SFML, sf::View and its viewport is fairly similar to what an anchor would do (from my experience).

SFML projects / Re: pseuthe - casual survival game [1.0.0 Released]
« on: July 15, 2015, 09:29:21 am »
Your Linux package's ReadMe.txt is marked as executable, fyi. :)

I quite like the effects and mood. It is quite soothing!

I'd only mention two things:
1. Some of the obstacles are a bit too dark in color. They blend in with the background, and I initially thought they were actually in the background, until I ran into one.
2. Maybe try softening the chime background noise a bit? Either lower the default volume, make it adjustable, or just reduce the amplitude of the chime track a bit. This may be a bit biased though, I'm up pretty late at the moment as is. Haha.

It was enjoyable to do for a few minutes before going to bed! Good job!

General / Re: Load from memory/stream help?
« on: July 14, 2015, 06:10:44 pm »
solved finally, no worries, can lock

It's good internet manners to add your solution for the next person who has the same issue and finds this topic.

SFML projects / Re: Thor 2.0
« on: July 10, 2015, 08:38:13 pm »
its a MinGW compiler bug (I am using gcc 4.8.1 on windows)
I recommend upgrading too. I like this distro. It's not ancient (it's gcc 5.1.0, which has support for almost all of C++11 and 14) (*cough* "official" mingw and mingw-64 *cough*), doesn't have any odd quirks (*cough* TDM *cough*), and it's much more... friendly to Unix users (no weird "gotchas" of being on Windows), in my experience.

SFML website / Re: Redirect to Latest X.Y Version
« on: July 10, 2015, 05:18:25 am »
It won't solve the problem. Many just use Google and take whatever result they get from there.

This is what I'm talking about.

SFML website / Re: Redirect to Latest X.Y Version
« on: July 10, 2015, 04:02:06 am »
On all of them might be best I think. That way, if someone googles, and finds the old docs, no matter which one they go to, they get a link to the latest. Ideally, a link to the latest version of the same function/class/etc. If that class/function no longer exists, maybe a link saying "this is deprecated", and just points to the top page of the latest docs.

Sounds like a lot of not very fun work, but, hey, that's what the website is on github for, for pull requests, right? Haha.

SFML projects / Re: Let There Be Light 2
« on: July 09, 2015, 11:53:04 pm »
Looks like a Windows "case does not matter" vs Unix "case does matter" issue to me.

Take a look at the folder name in "#include <ltbl/Quadtree/Quadtree.h>" and compare it to the folder name in ".../ltbl/quadtree/DynamicQuadtree.h:3:36". :)

(click to show/hide)

SFML website / Re: Redirect to Latest X.Y Version
« on: July 09, 2015, 11:32:46 pm »
What about a link at the top of a page to the latest documentation?

That way, people that want to can get to the older documentation easily, and people who don't know what they're doing can get the latest.
I've seen MSDN do something like that.

System / Re: AppCrash executing SFML Window
« on: July 03, 2015, 03:49:21 am »
Did you get SFML from the download page? If so, that's your problem. SFML doesn't have an official release for VS 2015 yet. You'll have to compile SFML yourself (Different compiler versions matter in C++).

Graphics / Re: sf::Texture::update memory leak.
« on: July 02, 2015, 07:06:50 pm »
Later that day and after digging through some more of SFML's code, I came to a similar conclusion. Thanks for the confirmation.

For what it's worth, and for anyone else that may come across this post, I fixed it by using a permanent "texture update thread".
Rather than "fire and forget" threads that update the texture, I launch a second thread when I launch my window's draw thread. This second thread shares a pointer to the incoming image data. The thread contains a while loop ( while(window.isOpen()) ), and all the necessary calls to update the texture. Every loop iteration, it checks if the image data pointer is not null. If so, it locks the texture to be updated, updates it, unlocks it, and nulls the image data pointer. If that pointer is null, it just does nothing.
This way, only one thread is ever needed, thus only one OpenGL context is ever created to update the texture. Took a little bit of redesign, but it works just fine now (and probably much better off this way too, beyond SFML/OpenGL stuff).

If you're interested in more details of such a design, you'll want to do a search on "thread pools".

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