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Messages - smurf

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Graphics / Re: drawing a 1 pixel thick line
« on: February 02, 2021, 03:04:18 am »
I don't think so.
I don't see anywhere to set anti-aliasing in regards to these lines.

Graphics / drawing a 1 pixel thick line
« on: February 01, 2021, 08:10:20 pm »
How can I draw a simple 1-pixel thick line?
I've tried the obvious but it draws a 2-pixel thick line thats the wrong color! (I'm trying to draw it white but it comes out grey instead).

BTW I'm using the C# bindings if that matters.

Vertex[] line = new Vertex[2];
line[0].Position.X = 10;
line[0].Position.Y = 10;
line[0].Color.R = col.R;
line[0].Color.G = col.G;
line[0].Color.B = col.B;
line[0].Color.A = col.A;

line[1].Position.X = 10;
line[1].Position.Y = 100;
line[1].Color.R = col.R;
line[1].Color.G = col.G;
line[1].Color.B = col.B;
line[1].Color.A = col.A;

currentRenderTarget.Draw(line,0, 2, PrimitiveType.Lines);

Both of it's children, RenderWindow and RenderTexture have a display() function. Why not define it in the base class of RenderTarget?

Why do I care?

I want to re-use the same code for drawing to a window and drawing to a texture. So I want to be able to pass in the parent object (RenderTarget) into a drawing class that will just draw and not care about whether it is to a window or a texture.

But the lack of the display() function is preventing this.  What am I missing? This seems like an obvious thing to do.


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