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Messages - Grimshaw

Pages: 1 ... 22 23 [24] 25 26 ... 40
SFML projects / Re: Kroniax - A game of skill
« on: February 27, 2013, 05:14:16 pm »
Gave it a try and loved the gameplay!! you should improve this because it will make a very nice game!! Addicting! :D

Feature requests / Re: Textured text?
« on: December 18, 2012, 10:26:28 pm »
Each glyph of an sf::Text is really a quad, not an actual character geometry. This means that we can only specify the texcoords of the corners, which we already use to map the actual character in the font texture.

In conclusion, that effect is impossible with the current API, and without a major break in the way that sf::Text and sf::Font work..

Maybe you could achieve it with a pixel shader testing the text geometry by its color and assigning a texture coordinate?

General discussions / Re: A book on SFML -- looking for author(s)!
« on: November 02, 2012, 01:50:10 pm »
Thank you kind sir! I will do my best :)

General discussions / Re: A book on SFML -- looking for author(s)!
« on: November 02, 2012, 01:51:22 am »
Hey!! Sorry, been busy, sign me up! I'm short on time for three days but then fully available! :)

Anything I am at artturmoreira@gmail.com, can be found on skype as well most times!

As soon as the schedule clears up I can be on IRC most of the time too!

Just a question, Groogy, and sorry to ask this now, but:

"We pay an advance against future royalties. This guarantees that you won’t be left out of pocket during the writing process, and that you’ll still make money from the book even if it fails to sell."

Is this real, what are we expecting? Just asking to know how I will plan my time, so I don't go out of business too soon hehe :)

General discussions / Re: A book on SFML -- looking for author(s)!
« on: October 29, 2012, 05:57:35 pm »
I do use custom things in my code, but we can focalize pretty much anything for an exclusive sfml use!

I think its a good idea to write the book as a way to take the sfml "legos" to build your way up until a concept game. That said, seems reasonable to introduce basic ui systems, animations and so on!

I am excited about this work, it seems it will actually bring something good for the gamedevelopers :D

General discussions / Re: A book on SFML -- looking for author(s)!
« on: October 29, 2012, 05:27:00 pm »
I read the latest entries of the topic diagonally, and i want to backup my initial position, I will help without a problem!

I even have a few ideas on it, will try to join IRC tonight as well!

Being unemployed , time won't be a concern i guess, and any money is welcome, given the circumstances!

Just a little addendum here, I've put together a pretty draft-stage MOBA game, online and everything, which is  working well, even though it is basic for now. Since that genre is a simplified multiplayer RPG, and is pretty popular these days, could be a nice idea to elaborate on it... Just throwing out the idea since it's a good difficulty/length relation from the developer point of view, while covering the client-server principles of any game..

General discussions / Re: A book on SFML -- looking for author(s)!
« on: October 26, 2012, 01:01:32 am »
Just to clear things up, how advanced should the contents be? Is there a guideline for the contents already?

And aside the juice of the book, what kind of haste would the author have to be in? Tight deadlines? I lost my job recently and I'm growing more interested in the project, maybe its doable :)

General discussions / Re: A book on SFML -- looking for author(s)!
« on: October 25, 2012, 11:06:47 pm »
I ll have quite some free time in the next months, and i know SFML decently, my english is not too bad i'd say.. Just saying i'll gladly help write the book, if you need me!

Be it a few chapters or other contributions, I am open to it!

Cheers, I love the idea of the book!

Window / Dragging icons from the windows explorer into the sfml window
« on: September 29, 2012, 11:29:53 pm »

I need some help to figure out how to make the sfml window accept dragging of external icons in the window.
The solution can be windows only if otherwise complicates it too much.

The desired target behaviour as something like this:
Open SFML-based app, go to desktop, drag a random.png and drop it on the SFML window, and have the application recognize that drop and notify me with at least the path of the dropped file.

This could be use to drag images directly into an editor for faster introduction of graphics etc.

Any ideas? Thanks!

General discussions / Re: I forgot to introduce myself here
« on: September 12, 2012, 01:01:06 pm »
Don't forget to share updates with the folks, in any form, because noone is going to steal anything , and all popularity you can get will be good for you : )

General discussions / Re: I forgot to introduce myself here
« on: September 10, 2012, 02:15:23 am »
When the game concept is in imagination, IT IS LIKELY that it would be fun in practice, but there are two problems, big ones.

First, the essence of your tought will fade away and your motivation will oscilate with time, and the time between the first concept in your mind to an actual playable game will be probably a huge gap. It can and will turn your initial idea worse if you are not careful.

The second, and even worse, no matter how powerful is your brain, you will notice that your imaginated concept still lacks a LOT of crucial details, mandatory to have an interesting gameplay. The process of thinking all the details and writing them out, or just working on them as you go, will always rip of initial features and add new ones, so the essence of the idea may be lost too.

But you always must be highly motivated, if you want a good product. Try!

General discussions / Re: I forgot to introduce myself here
« on: September 04, 2012, 02:31:48 am »
Can't say I agree that is never-seen, but I like your motivation, i'd love to be updated on your progress!

Cheers and good luck! :)

Hey Arshak, I see your having a little of difficulty to make the code flow for the networked apps, if you need advice and some explanations, feel free to email me anytime  :)

Will answer here too if you so prefer !

I am myself working in a toy project, with a concept similar to yours, which I don't mind sharing the code, binaries and my personal help.. It is a game somehow like League of Legends and DotA, a Multiplayer Online Battle Arena(?).

I started it only 48 hours ago or less, but it already has a few features:

- Fully working, smooth chat
- Heros that are the playable/ai main characters
- Movement with mouse, point and click, and WASD controlled
- Currency
- Heros with AI, which are able to talk in the chat, follow the player etc
- A shop for items is being worked on
- HP Regen / Death / Kill Count / Respawn times
- Some basic graphics for debugging everything
- And of course, all of this is happening in multiplayer, all clients see everything etc, the synchronization is good, buts gets worse with bigger latency, because no special sync mechanisms are implemented.

Well, you can freely check source code in the GitHub repo : https://github.com/DevilWithin/Slavery

Good luck with your project.

Hmm.. expect a video every 4 months up to 0 videos...

(Just teasing so he actually makes them :D )

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