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Messages - CBenni::O

Pages: 1 2 3 [4]
Graphics / [SOLVED] Tiling a sprite
« on: December 25, 2009, 06:53:16 pm »
Quote from: "Laurent"
Did you check RenderImage::IsAvailable?

Yes, I did ;)
Do you call MyRenderImg->Display() (like for RenderWindow)?

Yes, but that didn't change anything either...

But I'm trying to recover my original program, and I will upload it as soon as possible.

bye, CBenni::O

Graphics / [SOLVED] Tiling a sprite
« on: December 25, 2009, 06:07:06 pm »
Well... I dont have the original code, but this is (approx.) what it did:
Code: [Select]
class CGameboard
void ChangeField(sf::Vector2i vWhere,int newType);

sf::Sprite* Tiles[10]; // Sprites of my Tiles (are Initialized somewhere else, and they are loaded correctly, have checked that
SGBField Fields[1024]; // The Fields of my Gameboard (32x32 Matrix)
sf::Sprite* MySprite; // Sprite that is rendered to
sf::RenderImage MyRenderImg; // RenderImage used for Rendering

void CGameboard::ChangeField(sf::Vector2i vWhich, int newType)
       Fields[vWhich.x+vWhitch.y*32].Type = newType; // Set the new Type of the Field
       Tiles[newType]->SetPosition(Fields[vWhich.x+vWhitch.y*32].Position); // Move the Sprite to the Position where they should be rendered
//Adding MyRenderImg->Flush() here didn't change anything

I hope you understand what I did

bye, CBenni::O

Graphics / [SOLVED] Tiling a sprite
« on: December 25, 2009, 04:52:14 pm »
I had a similar Problem, I wanted to program a tile-based PacMan game, so I downloaded the SFML2.0 using the SVN, but when I tried to render using the RenderImage class, nothing was drawn, neither Flush() nor anything else I tried, helped.
When I looked at the Image in the debugger, I found out that still every single Pixel was black.

Does someone have an idea, or even better, a piece of Code which demonstates Rendering on a Sprite (in realtime!)?

bye, CBenni::O

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