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Messages - ChonDee

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5
Graphics / SetBlendMode in SFML2.0?
« on: January 22, 2012, 07:26:23 pm »

I see that in 1.6 drawables have a SetBlendMode method, and I was trying to track this, or some alternative for it in the 2.0 documentation, but I didn't find anything. If I'm trying to call mySprite.SetBlendMode(...) currently it doesn't work.

Could someone help me out?

Graphics / Pixel-perfect Sprite SubRect
« on: January 21, 2012, 03:57:34 am »
I hope it's okay for me to bump this somewhat old topic, I rather not start another one, since my problem is exactly identical as described in lucasncv's first post.

I see that there is a kinda hackish solution to this, I am wondering if somebody knows some better way, since I am handling the sprite selection a bit differently.

I am using SFML 2.0.
I load the sprite sheets using sf::Texture mySpritesheet;
I make a sf::IntRect as the boundaries for the sprite, and initialize them in the following way:
Code: [Select]
if (size == 1)
orb_surf = orb1_sheet;
for (int i = 0; i < 5 ; i++)
orb1_sheet_sprite[i].Left = i*3;
orb1_sheet_sprite[i].Top = (type-1)*3;
orb1_sheet_sprite[i].Width = 3;
orb1_sheet_sprite[i].Height = 3;

My sprite is displayed in the following way:
Code: [Select]
orb_surf.SetPosition(x, y - camera.Top);

In this specific example, there are 2 rows of 5 3x3 sprites.
top row for red, bottom for orange, and the x position is the different states of animation (flashing)

when the player is moving on the y axis, making the camera move, there are certain "sweet spots" where the red orb is displayed as top half red, bottom half orange, so the selection rectangle went down a pixel.

What would you guys advise?
Should I change all my sf::IntRects to sf::FloatRect and substract 0.0078125 from the borders?
Is there a cleaner way to do this?

Also, is there some advantage (performance-wise perhaps) of using gl calls, as shown in the post above mine, or sf::Rect is okay?

General / SDL->SFML conversion; very strange performance issues
« on: January 18, 2012, 08:12:45 pm »
Quote from: "Laurent"
It seems to happen randomly, on PCs that sometimes have a joystick connected (PCs where no joystick is used at all are fine).

I had a usb xbox 360 wireless adapter connected (the controller wasn't paired up with it) while i was experiencing the performance drop, in case it helps.

General / SDL->SFML conversion; very strange performance issues
« on: January 18, 2012, 10:29:48 am »
Quote from: "Laurent"
Can you try to comment line 121 of src/SFML/Window/WindowImpl.cpp (ProcessJoystickEvents();) and recompile SFML?

Yes, that solved it!
Thank You

General / SDL->SFML conversion; very strange performance issues
« on: January 18, 2012, 10:09:46 am »
Okay, so now I have made the keyboard inputs with 2.0's functions.

In the main loop for every frame I use this to poll for events:

Code: [Select]
while (App.PollEvent (Event))
//if (Event.Type == sf::Event::Closed)
// App.Close();

sf::Event Event; is created once, globally.

So my problem now is, that regardless of what is inside the poll loop, even if it is empty, like above, the performance drops significantly, the frame rate fluctuates between 20-60.

Am I doing the polling wrong?

General / SDL->SFML conversion; very strange performance issues
« on: January 18, 2012, 09:15:10 am »
Quote from: "Laurent"
on the gamedev forums I have actually been told, that the reason for this to strain SFML so much is because what opengl calls are made for each created particle, which is quite expensive.

If you don't draw there's no OpenGL call at all. Creating particles (at least the SFML part of it) consumes 0 CPU. Remember what I said above.

I see.
I am not sure what must have been the issue, now I have built SFML 2.0 according to the tutorial, and started a new VS project, set it up to SFML 2.0 libraries, changed the sf::image to sf::Texture, and I do not have performance issues, but I am not increasing the particle count to unreasonable numbers either.

It seems like things are working right now, I'll figure out SFML 2.0's input, then rewrite everything.

Actually, just to test it, now I have set the particle count 20x higher, like I was testing with 1.6 before

With 1.6 I got 38 FPS
With 2.0 I am getting 120+FPS

General / SDL->SFML conversion; very strange performance issues
« on: January 18, 2012, 08:16:42 am »
Quote from: "model76"
You're right, I was a little fast there, sorry.

I downloaded your project, and it didn't take long to figure out that your two biggest culprits are Player::show_particles and Star::show.

There, that should help you come up with a minimal code that reproduces the problem.

I found the code pretty messy, so I didn't poke around for too long, but you do have a whole bunch of implicit casts that the compiler complains about. Maybe fixing those would be a good start.

Hope that helps!  :)

Thank you,

Yes, the code is messy as this was my smallest, earliest build of the project that now is about 8K lines, divided into 20 header and cpp files, using a lot of images and sprites, I thought for my purposes of transitioning to SFML from SDL it will be okay if I try to convert this.

Obviously the show::particle took up most resources, especially since I (purposefully) increased the total particles shown 20x, to measure performance. In the SDL build it was going fine, here not so much.

on the gamedev forums I have actually been told, that the reason for this to strain SFML so much is because what opengl calls are made for each created particle, which is quite expensive.

They too suggested that I transition to SFML 2.0, as it is supposed to handle handle object sharing the same image much better, as Laurent also have told me about it earlier.

So now I am in the middle of trying to build SFML 2.0, then I will try to learn the new input functions.

After that I take a deep breath and rewrite my up-to-date build to SFML2.0.

Thanks for all your help, I won't go further into this particle drawing performance issue until I have fully transitioned my whole project to SFML 2.0.

General / SDL->SFML conversion; very strange performance issues
« on: January 17, 2012, 09:33:42 pm »
Quote from: "model76"
Do you really want to create a new World object every frame?

I am pretty sure there is only one world object created altogether.
There are 2 while loops.
The inner one does whatever is happening every frame.
The outer one goes if the player dies and the level is restarted. This is when the world object is reinitialized.

General / SDL->SFML conversion; very strange performance issues
« on: January 17, 2012, 02:27:29 pm »
Quote from: "coolhome"
Okay so I changed the TOTAL_PARTICLES to 80. I think 1000 was way too much. I built it in release mode and it had no problem running at all. Is there a reason why you had the number so high?

Yes, there is

So the way I tested performance, since in this early version of my game there aren't many objects, I increased the particles coming out from the player's thruster (in both SDL and SFML, the same number)

Before I would rewrite my current progress, which is bigger than this early build, I wanted to be able to see how it would perform.

And it just bothers me so much that the particles stress the SMFL project much more, even without having them drawn, than the sdl one..

General / SDL->SFML conversion; very strange performance issues
« on: January 17, 2012, 09:14:40 am »
Thank you for your comment, I'll try to replicate the problem somehow.
So far I don't quite understand it either, other than the same code runs faster in my SDL VS2010 project than in the SFML project, even if I don't even make the SFML display calls.

As soon as I figured out what causes this, I will switch to SFML 2, since I will be using a lot of particles and objects sharing the same sprites.

General / SDL->SFML conversion; very strange performance issues
« on: January 17, 2012, 08:50:34 am »
Alright, here is the solution file

BTW I am using SFML 1.6

General / SDL->SFML conversion; very strange performance issues
« on: January 17, 2012, 08:41:31 am »
Thanks, I'll upload the VS solution!

General / SDL->SFML conversion; very strange performance issues
« on: January 17, 2012, 08:40:33 am »
Here's the SFML version's code:
to make things easier you could just comment out everything other than show world, or show player, it will be just the same.

Code: [Select]

//#include <SFML/Window.hpp>
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
//#include <SFML/System.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <time.h>
#include <list>
//#include <algorithm> // remove and remove_if
using namespace std;

//forward declare
class Enemy;
class Player;
class World;
class Particle;

//Screen attributes
const int SCREEN_WIDTH = 1280;
const int SCREEN_HEIGHT = 600;
const int SCREEN_BPP = 32;

// Create the main window
sf::RenderWindow App(sf::VideoMode(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, SCREEN_BPP), "Rectangle Wars");

sf::Image background_IMG;
sf::Sprite background;
sf::Image bullet_IMG;
sf::Sprite bullet;
sf::Image player_IMG;
sf::Sprite player;
sf::Image star_bright_s_IMG;
sf::Sprite star_bright_s;
sf::Image star_bright_m_IMG;
sf::Sprite star_bright_m;
sf::Image star_bright_l_IMG;
sf::Sprite star_bright_l;
sf::Image star_medium_s_IMG;
sf::Sprite star_medium_s;
sf::Image star_medium_m_IMG;
sf::Sprite star_medium_m;
sf::Image star_medium_l_IMG;
sf::Sprite star_medium_l;
sf::Image star_dark_s_IMG;
sf::Sprite star_dark_s;
sf::Image star_dark_m_IMG;
sf::Sprite star_dark_m;
sf::Image star_dark_l_IMG;
sf::Sprite star_dark_l;
sf::Image star_shooting_IMG;
sf::Sprite star_shooting;
sf::Image p1_IMG;
sf::Sprite p1;
sf::Image p2_IMG;
sf::Sprite p2;
sf::Image p3_IMG;
sf::Sprite p3;
sf::Image p4_IMG;
sf::Sprite p4;
sf::Image bparticle_IMG;
sf::Sprite bparticle;
sf::Image shimmer_IMG;
sf::Sprite shimmer;
sf::Image enemy_IMG;
sf::Sprite enemy;
sf::Image gameover_IMG;
sf::Sprite gameover;

//The frame rate
const int FRAMES_PER_SECOND = 60;

const int TOTAL_PARTICLES = 100 *20;

//handle input relies on these
const int DOT_WIDTH = 30;
const int DOT_HEIGHT = 30;

//The event structure
//SDL_Event event;

class Particle
    int x, y, xVel, yVel, type, life;  //type 1 to 4 fire, 5 laser, 6 explosion

    //Current frame of animation
    //int frame;

    //Type of particle
    sf::Sprite part;
bool initialized;

    Particle( int X, int Y, int Type );

    //Shows the particle
    void show();

    //Checks if particle is dead
    bool alive;
bool vel_set;
//bool dead();

class Bullet
friend void Collision_Detection(Player &p, World &w);
int x, y, type, life, erase_cooldown; //type 0 == player, 1 == enemy
vector<Particle> v_particles;
vector<Particle>::iterator v_particles_it;
Bullet(int x, int y, int type);
bool alive;
bool to_erase;
void show();
void show_particles();
class Player
friend void Collision_Detection(Player &p, World &w);
int x, y;
int recharge;
int xVel, yVel;
bool fire_on;

vector<Particle> v_particles;
vector<Particle>::iterator v_particles_it;
vector<Bullet> v_bullets;
vector<Bullet>::iterator v_bullets_it;

void handle_input();
void move();
void show();
void fire();
void show_bullets();
void show_particles();
int x_coord();
int y_coord();
bool alive;
int killcount_1;
class Enemy
friend void Collision_Detection(Player &p, World &w);
int x, y;
int recharge;
int xVel, yVel;
int type;
vector<Particle> v_particles;
vector<Particle>::iterator v_particles_it;
vector<Bullet> v_bullets;
vector<Bullet>::iterator v_bullets_it;

Enemy(int Y);
bool alive;
void move(Player &p);
void show();
void fire();
void show_bullets();
void show_particles();

Enemy::Enemy(int Y)
alive = true;
y = Y;
xVel = 2;
yVel = 0;
recharge =0;

void Enemy::move(Player &p)
    //Move the dot left or right
    x -= xVel;

    //If the dot went too far to the left or right
    if( ( x < 0 ) || ( x + DOT_WIDTH > SCREEN_WIDTH ) )
        //move back
        x -= xVel;

    //Move the dot up or down
    y += yVel;

    //If the dot went too far up or down
    if( ( y < 0 ) || ( y + DOT_HEIGHT > SCREEN_HEIGHT ) )
        //move back
        y -= yVel;
if (p.y_coord() > y)
yVel = +2;
if (p.y_coord() < y)
yVel = -2;
if (abs(p.y_coord() - y)< 5)
yVel = 0;
if (abs(p.y_coord() - y) < 50)

void Enemy::fire()
if (recharge > 25) {
Bullet a(x, y, 1);
v_bullets.push_back (a);
recharge = 0;

bool dead_b(Bullet b){
if (b.to_erase)
return true;
return false;

void Enemy::show_bullets()

v_bullets.erase(remove_if(v_bullets.begin(), v_bullets.end(), dead_b), v_bullets.end());
    //Show bullets
for (v_bullets_it = v_bullets.begin(); v_bullets_it != v_bullets.end(); v_bullets_it++){

bool dead_p(Particle p){
if (p.alive==false)
return true;
return false;

void Enemy::show_particles()

v_particles.erase(remove_if(v_particles.begin(), v_particles.end(), dead_p), v_particles.end());

    //Show particles
for (v_particles_it = v_particles.begin(); v_particles_it != v_particles.end(); v_particles_it++){

Particle::Particle( int X, int Y, int Type){
type = Type;
life = 0;
alive = true;
//part = NULL;
vel_set = false;
initialized = false;

class Star
int type; //1=dark 2=medium 3=bright 4=shooting
int size; //1=small 2=medium 3=large
int x;
int y;
int xVel;
bool initialized;
sf::Sprite star;

Star(int x, int y, int type, int size, int xVel);
void show();
bool alive;


Bullet::Bullet(int ix, int iy, int itype)
type = itype;
if (type == 0){
x = ix+30;
y = iy+15;
if (type == 1){
x = ix-30;
y = iy+15;
life =0;
to_erase = false;
erase_cooldown = 0;
alive = true;

Particle a(x, y, 5);


class World
friend void Collision_Detection(Player &p, World &w);
vector<Star> v_stars;
vector<Star>::iterator v_stars_it;
vector<Enemy> v_enemies;
vector<Enemy>::iterator v_enemies_it;
vector<Particle> v_particles;
vector<Particle>::iterator v_particles_it;

int frame;
void show();
void add_star();
void add_bullet(int x, int y);
void show_stars();
void show_enemies();
Player myPlayer;
void show_player();
void enemy_move();
// void show_bullets();
void show_particles();
void explosion(int x, int y);

// X should not be a factor of screen_width, more like screen height
for (int i=0; i < (SCREEN_WIDTH/6) ; i++){
int randmX = rand() %SCREEN_WIDTH + 1;
int randmY = rand() %599 + 1;
int randmType = rand() %2 + 1;
int randmSize = rand() %2 + 1;
Star a(randmX, randmY, randmType, 1, 1);
v_stars.push_back (a);
//mid layer xVel 4
for (int i=0; i < (SCREEN_WIDTH/15) ; i++){
int randmX = rand() %SCREEN_WIDTH + 1;
int randmY = rand() %599 + 1;
int randmType = rand() %2 + 1;
int randmSize = rand() %2 + 1;
Star a(randmX, randmY, randmType, randmSize, 2);
v_stars.push_back (a);
//front layer xVel 8
for (int i=0; i < (SCREEN_WIDTH/30) ; i++){
int randmX = rand() %SCREEN_WIDTH + 1;
int randmY = rand() %599 + 1;
int randmType = rand() %2 + 2;
int randmSize = rand() %2 + 2;
Star a(randmX, randmY, randmType, randmSize, 4);
v_stars.push_back (a);

//front front layer xVel 8
for (int i=0; i < (SCREEN_WIDTH/50) ; i++){
int randmX = rand() %SCREEN_WIDTH + 1;
int randmY = rand() %599 + 1;
int randmType = rand() %2 + 2;
int randmSize = rand() %2 + 2;
Star a(randmX, randmY, randmType, randmSize, 8);
v_stars.push_back (a);

//foreground line star layer Xvel 15, Type 4
for (int i=0; i < (SCREEN_WIDTH/300) ; i++){

int randmX = rand() %SCREEN_WIDTH + 1;
int randmY = rand() %599 + 1;
Star a(randmX, randmY, 4, 1, 15);
v_stars.push_back (a);


void World::show(){

void World::explosion(int x, int y){
for (int i=0, r=((rand() % 100) -80); i < 120 + r ; i++){
int xx = x + rand() % 10 - 5;
int yy = y + rand() % 10 - 5;

Particle a(xx, yy, 6);


void World::show_particles()

//remove/erase idiom
v_particles.erase(remove_if(v_particles.begin(), v_particles.end(), dead_p), v_particles.end());

for (v_particles_it = v_particles.begin(); v_particles_it != v_particles.end(); v_particles_it++){

void World::enemy_move() //commands all the enemies to take their move and gives them reference to the player object
for (v_enemies_it = v_enemies.begin(); v_enemies_it != v_enemies.end(); v_enemies_it++){

void World::show_player(){


void Player::show_bullets()

v_bullets.erase(remove_if(v_bullets.begin(), v_bullets.end(), dead_b), v_bullets.end());
    //Show bullets
for (v_bullets_it = v_bullets.begin(); v_bullets_it != v_bullets.end(); v_bullets_it++){

void Player::show_particles()

v_particles.erase(remove_if(v_particles.begin(), v_particles.end(), dead_p), v_particles.end());

for( int p = 0; p < TOTAL_PARTICLES/4 ; p++ )
        int randmX = x - (rand() % 11) +2;
int randmY = y +14 + (rand() % 29) - 14;
const Particle a(randmX, randmY, 1);


for( int p = 0; p < TOTAL_PARTICLES/4 ; p++ )
int randmX = x - (rand() % 11) - 5 ;
int randmY = y + 14 + (rand() % 12);
int negm = rand() %2;
if (negm == 1)
randmY = randmY - (2*(randmY - (y+15)));
const Particle a(randmX, randmY, 2);


for( int p = 0; p < TOTAL_PARTICLES/4 ; p++ )
int randmX = x - (rand() % 11) - 11 ;
int randmY = y + 14 +(rand() % 7);
int negm = rand() %2;
if (negm == 1)
randmY = randmY - (2*(randmY - (y+15)));
const Particle a(randmX, randmY, 3);

for( int p = 0; p < TOTAL_PARTICLES/8 ; p++ )
int randmX = x - (rand() % 11) - 21 ;
int randmY = y + 14 +(rand() % 2);
int negm = rand() %2;
if (negm == 1)
randmY = randmY - (2*(randmY - (y+15)));
const Particle a(randmX, randmY, 4);
    //Show particles
for (v_particles_it = v_particles.begin(); v_particles_it != v_particles.end(); v_particles_it++){

bool dead_e(Enemy e){
if (e.alive==false)
return true;
return false;

void World::show_enemies()

v_enemies.erase(remove_if(v_enemies.begin(), v_enemies.end(), dead_e), v_enemies.end());

if (rand() % 50 == 0){
int randmY = rand() %(SCREEN_HEIGHT - DOT_HEIGHT) +1;
Enemy a(randmY);
v_enemies.push_back (a);

for (v_enemies_it = v_enemies.begin(); v_enemies_it != v_enemies.end(); v_enemies_it++){


bool dead_s (Star s){
if (s.alive==false)
return true;
return false;

void World::show_stars()

v_stars.erase(remove_if(v_stars.begin(), v_stars.end(), dead_s), v_stars.end());

//adding stars to the right of screen
//furthest, slowest layer xVel 1 dark or medium, small or medium
if (frame % 6 ==  0){
int randmY = rand() %599 + 1;
int randmType = rand() %2 + 1;
int randmSize = rand() %2 + 1;

Star a(SCREEN_WIDTH, randmY, randmType, 1, 1);
v_stars.push_back (a);
//mid layer xVel 2
if (frame % 15 ==  0){
int randmY = rand() %599 + 1;
int randmType = rand() %2 + 1;
int randmSize = rand() %2 + 1;

Star a(SCREEN_WIDTH, randmY, randmType, randmSize, 2);
v_stars.push_back (a);
//front layer xVel 4
if (frame % 30 ==  0){
int randmY = rand() %599 + 1;
int randmType = rand() %2 + 2;
int randmSize = rand() %2 + 2;

Star a(SCREEN_WIDTH, randmY, randmType, randmSize, ((rand() % 4) +3));
v_stars.push_back (a);

//front front layer xVel 8
if (frame % 50 ==  0){
int randmY = rand() %599 + 1;
int randmType = rand() %2 + 2;
int randmSize = rand() %2 + 2;

Star a(SCREEN_WIDTH, randmY, randmType, randmSize, ((rand() % 6) + 7));
v_stars.push_back (a);

//foreground line star layer Xvel 15, Type 4
if (frame % 30 ==  0){
int randmY = rand() %599 + 1;

Star a(SCREEN_WIDTH, randmY, 4, 1, ((rand() % 15) + 10));
v_stars.push_back (a);

for (v_stars_it = v_stars.begin(); v_stars_it != v_stars.end(); v_stars_it++){


Star::Star(int ix, int iy, int itype, int isize, int ixVel)
x = ix;
y = iy;
type = itype;
size = isize;
xVel = ixVel;
initialized = false;
//star = NULL;


bool init()

// Create the main window
sf::Window App(sf::VideoMode(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, SCREEN_BPP), "Rectangle Wars");

// Get a reference to the input manager associated to our window, and store it for later use
    const sf::Input& Input = App.GetInput();

//sf::Clock Clock;

    return true;

bool load_files()

    //Load the dot image
    //dot = load_image( "ship.png" );

    //Load the background

if (!background_IMG.LoadFromFile("recwar/black.png"))
    // Error...


if (!bullet_IMG.LoadFromFile("recwar/bullet.png"))
    // Error...


if (!player_IMG.LoadFromFile("recwar/player.png"))
    // Error...


if (!star_bright_s_IMG.LoadFromFile("recwar/starbright_s.png"))
    // Error...


if (!star_bright_m_IMG.LoadFromFile("recwar/starbright.png"))
    // Error...


if (!star_bright_l_IMG.LoadFromFile("recwar/starbright_l.png"))
    // Error...


if (!star_medium_s_IMG.LoadFromFile("recwar/starmedium_s.png"))
    // Error...


if (!star_medium_m_IMG.LoadFromFile("recwar/starmedium.png"))
    // Error...


if (!star_medium_l_IMG.LoadFromFile("recwar/starmedium_l.png"))
    // Error...


if (!star_dark_s_IMG.LoadFromFile("recwar/stardark_s.png"))
    // Error...


if (!star_dark_m_IMG.LoadFromFile("recwar/stardark.png"))
    // Error...


if (!star_dark_l_IMG.LoadFromFile("recwar/stardark_l.png"))
    // Error...


//if (!star_shooting_IMG.LoadFromFile("recwar/star_shooting.png"))
    // Error...


if (!p1_IMG.LoadFromFile("recwar/particle1.png"))
    // Error...


if (!p2_IMG.LoadFromFile("recwar/particle2.png"))
    // Error...


if (!p3_IMG.LoadFromFile("recwar/particle3.png"))
    // Error...


if (!p4_IMG.LoadFromFile("recwar/particle4.png"))
    // Error...


if (!bparticle_IMG.LoadFromFile("recwar/bparticle.png"))
    // Error...


if (!shimmer_IMG.LoadFromFile("recwar/shimmer.png"))
    // Error...


if (!enemy_IMG.LoadFromFile("recwar/enemy.png"))
    // Error...


if (!gameover_IMG.LoadFromFile("recwar/gameover.png"))
    // Error...


    //If everything loaded fine
    return true;

void Star::show(){
//determine type and size of star (only the first time)
//add bool for first init check
if (initialized == false){
if ((type == 1) && (size == 1)) star = star_dark_s;
if ((type == 1) && (size == 2)) star = star_dark_m;
if ((type == 1) && (size == 3)) star = star_dark_l;
if ((type == 2) && (size == 1)) star = star_medium_s;
if ((type == 2) && (size == 2)) star = star_medium_m;
if ((type == 2) && (size == 3)) star = star_medium_l;
if ((type == 3) && (size == 1)) star = star_bright_s;
if ((type == 3) && (size == 2)) star = star_bright_m;
if ((type == 3) && (size == 3)) star = star_bright_l;
if ((type == 4)) {star = star_shooting; xVel = 30;}
initialized = true;
//apply_surface( x, y, star);
x -= xVel;
if (x<0)
alive = false;


void Particle::show()
    //Show image
if (initialized == false){
if      (type == 1) part = p1;
else if (type == 2) part = p2;
else if (type == 3) part = p3;
else if (type == 4) part = p4;
else if (type == 5) part = bparticle;
else if (type == 6){
if ((rand() % 4) == 0)
part = p1;
else if ((rand() % 4) == 1)
part = p2;
else if ((rand() % 4) == 2)
part = p3;
else if ((rand() % 4) == 1)
part = p4;}
initialized = true;


//apply_surface( x, y, part, screen );

if (type <= 4 && vel_set == false){
xVel = ((rand() % 10) +10) * (-1);
vel_set = true;}
if (type <= 4 && life>(2 + rand() % 5))
if (type == 5 && life> (20 + rand() % 11))
alive = false;
if (type == 5 && vel_set == false){
xVel = (rand() % 5) -2;
yVel = (rand() % 5) -2;
if (type == 6 && life> (20 + rand () % 11))
alive = false;
if (type == 6 && vel_set == false){
int randmX = rand() % 6;
int randmY = rand() % 6;
if ((rand() %2) == 0)
randmX = -randmX;
if ((rand() %2) == 0)
randmY = -randmY;
xVel = randmX;
yVel = randmY;
vel_set = true;
if (type == 6 && vel_set == true && xVel > 0 && (life % 5 == 0)){
xVel -= 1;
if (type == 6 && vel_set == true && xVel < 0 && (life % 5 == 0)){
xVel += 1;
if (type == 6 && vel_set == true && yVel > 0  && (life % 5 == 0)){
yVel -= 1;
if (type == 6 && vel_set == true && yVel < 0 && (life % 5 == 0)){
yVel += 1;

x = x+xVel;
y = y+yVel;

    //Initialize the offsets
    recharge = 0;
x = 100;
    y = 100;
fire_on = false;
alive = true;
killcount_1 = 0;

    //Initialize the velocity
    xVel = 0;
    yVel = 0;

//Initialize particles
    for( int p = 0; p < TOTAL_PARTICLES/4; p++ )
        int randmX = x - (rand() % 11);
int randmY = y + (rand() % 31) - 15;
Particle a(randmX, randmY, 1);


for( int p = 0; p < TOTAL_PARTICLES/4; p++ )
int randmX = x - (rand() % 11) - 5 ;
int randmY = y + (rand() % 12);
if ((rand() % 2) == 1) randmY = randmY * -1;
Particle a(randmX, randmY, 2);


for( int p = 0; p < TOTAL_PARTICLES/4; p++ )
int randmX = x - (rand() % 11) - 11 ;
int randmY = y + (rand() % 7);
if ((rand() % 2) == 1) randmY = randmY * -1;
Particle a(randmX, randmY, 3);

for( int p = 0; p < TOTAL_PARTICLES/4; p++ )
int randmX = x - (rand() % 11) - 21 ;
int randmY = y + (rand() % 5);
if ((rand() % 2) == 1) randmY = randmY * -1;
Particle a(randmX, randmY, 4);

void Player::move()
    //Move the dot left or right
    x += xVel;

    //If the dot went too far to the left or right
    if( ( x < 0 ) || ( x + DOT_WIDTH > SCREEN_WIDTH ) )
        //move back
        x -= xVel;

    //Move the dot up or down
    y += yVel;

    //If the dot went too far up or down
    if( ( y < 0 ) || ( y + DOT_HEIGHT > SCREEN_HEIGHT ) )
        //move back
        y -= yVel;

void Player::fire(){
if (recharge > 10) {
Bullet a(x, y, 0);
v_bullets.push_back (a);
recharge = 0;

void Player::show(){
if (alive){
if (fire_on)


int Player::x_coord()
return x;

int Player::y_coord()
return y;

void Enemy::show(){
//x -= 1;
if (alive){
if (x<(-30))
alive = false;

//if (fire_on)


void Bullet::show(){
if (alive){
if (type==0){
x += 25;
alive = false;
else if (type == 1){
x -=15;
if (x<0)
alive = false;

if (erase_cooldown >= 40){
to_erase = true;


void Bullet::show_particles(){

if (alive){
if (rand() % 10 == 0){        
int randmX = x - ( rand() % 50);
int randmY = y + (rand() % 7) - 3;
Particle a(randmX, randmY, 5);
    //Show particles
for (v_particles_it = v_particles.begin(); v_particles_it != v_particles.end(); v_particles_it++){

void Collision_Detection(Player &p, World &w)
//player's bullet and enemy collision
//player: 30 x 30
//bullet: 32 x 4

for (p.v_bullets_it = p.v_bullets.begin(); p.v_bullets_it != p.v_bullets.end(); p.v_bullets_it++){
int leftB, rightB, topB, bottomB;
leftB = p.v_bullets_it->x;
rightB = p.v_bullets_it->x + 32;
topB = p.v_bullets_it->y;
bottomB = p.v_bullets_it->y + 4;
for (w.v_enemies_it = w.v_enemies.begin(); w.v_enemies_it != w.v_enemies.end(); w.v_enemies_it++){
int leftE, rightE, topE, bottomE;
leftE = w.v_enemies_it->x;
rightE = w.v_enemies_it->x + 30;
topE = w.v_enemies_it->y;
bottomE = w.v_enemies_it->y + 30;

if(( bottomB <= topE ) || ( topB >= bottomE ) || ( rightB <= leftE ) || ( leftB >= rightE )){
//int a = 1;
p.v_bullets_it->alive = false;
w.v_enemies_it->alive = false;
w.explosion(w.v_enemies_it->x + 15, w.v_enemies_it->y + 15);

int leftP, rightP, topP, bottomP;
leftP = p.x;
rightP = p.x + 30;
topP = p.y;
bottomP = p.y + 30;
for (w.v_enemies_it = w.v_enemies.begin(); w.v_enemies_it != w.v_enemies.end(); w.v_enemies_it++){
for (w.v_enemies_it->v_bullets_it = w.v_enemies_it->v_bullets.begin();
w.v_enemies_it->v_bullets_it != w.v_enemies_it->v_bullets.end();
int leftB, rightB, topB, bottomB;
leftB = w.v_enemies_it->v_bullets_it->x;
rightB = w.v_enemies_it->v_bullets_it->x + 32;
topB = w.v_enemies_it->v_bullets_it->y;
bottomB = w.v_enemies_it->v_bullets_it->y + 4;

if(( bottomP <= topB ) || ( topP >= bottomB ) || ( rightP <= leftB ) || ( leftP >= rightB )){
//int a = 1;
p.alive = false;
w.v_enemies_it->v_bullets_it->alive = false;
w.explosion(p.x + 15, p.y + 15);



int main( int argc, char* args[] )

bool quit = false;
bool running = true;
srand( time(NULL) );
while (quit == false && running == true)
if( load_files() == false )
        return 1;
bool player_dead = false;
World myWorld;

//While the user hasn't quit
    while( player_dead == false )
if (myWorld.myPlayer.alive == false)
player_dead = true;


Collision_Detection(myWorld.myPlayer, myWorld);
/*for( int p = 0; p < 1 ; p++ )
int randmX = (rand() % 11) - 21 ;
int randmY = (rand() % 2);
int negm = rand() %2;
if (negm == 1)
randmY = randmY - (2*(randmY - 15));
vector<int> vint;
//Update the screen


    return 0;

General / SDL->SFML conversion; very strange performance issues
« on: January 17, 2012, 08:36:08 am »
Thanks for your help :)

I might have probably messed up, or doing stuff unoptimized, or whatever, what my concern is that the EXACT SAME code is running with the SDL version only with different display calls, (which I even commented out in SFML) and it runs fine and fast in my SDL solution, and runs really bad in the SFML one.

I am starting to think that it might be something to do with the VS configuration...

I'll upload the code for both versions, but be warned, it's quite messy here and there, as that was the earliest version of my project

General / SDL->SFML conversion; very strange performance issues
« on: January 17, 2012, 08:10:56 am »
Quote from: "coolhome"
What version of SFML are you using? What class is 'part'? That code seems fine to me. What happens if you comment out?
Code: [Select]


Code: [Select]
sf::Sprite part;

Also, I commented the 2 lines out, so they aren't drawn here are the results

CS:EIP       Symbol + Offset                                                                        Timer samples    
0x13d3560    Particle::show                                                                         60.92            
0x13d6130    std::_Remove_if<Particle *,bool (__cdecl*)(Particle)>                                  21.2             
0x13d1a70    Player::show_particles                                                                 12.18            
0x13d3410    Star::show                                                                             2.22             
0x13d2800    World::show_stars                                                                      1.42             
0x13d6ed0    std::_Find_if<Star *,bool (__cdecl*)(Star)>                                            0.63             
0x13d2790    dead_s                                                                                 0.47             
0x13d6960    std::vector<Bullet,std::allocator<Bullet> >::vector<Bullet,std::allocator<Bullet> >    0.32             
0x13d6f50    std::_Uninit_move<Particle *,Particle *,std::allocator<Particle>,Particle>             0.32             
0x13d6c90    std::_Find_if<Bullet *,bool (__cdecl*)(Bullet)>                                        0.16             
0x13d7110    std::_Uninit_move<Star *,Star *,std::allocator<Star>,Star>                             0.16             

11 functions, 130 instructions, Total: 632 samples, 100.00% of shown samples, 2.49% of total session samples

So it still takes up most of the resources, without drawing the particles.

Here is the full particle class (without its methods)

Code: [Select]
class Particle
    int x, y, xVel, yVel, type, life;  //type 1 to 4 fire, 5 laser, 6 explosion

    //Current frame of animation
    //int frame;

    //Type of particle
    sf::Sprite part;
bool initialized;

    Particle( int X, int Y, int Type );

    //Shows the particle
    void show();

    //Checks if particle is dead
    bool alive;
bool vel_set;
//bool dead();

Same with the SDL implementation, only there part is not sf::Sprite, but a pointer to a SDL_Surface

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