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Messages - Grimshaw

Pages: 1 ... 29 30 [31] 32 33 ... 40
General discussions / New naming convention
« on: January 08, 2012, 09:07:07 pm »
I used Qt massively too, and it worked just fine for me, this change makes all the sense.. Not that it was bad before, but there is room for improvement..

Nice work Laurent! And good job on sfml2 , on what it became so far, i was impressed when i updated it yesterday!

General discussions / New naming convention
« on: January 08, 2012, 11:18:31 am »
I loved the change! It will be absolutely worth it to adapt to this new change.. I've always been used to this convention, but when coding my games, there was such a big mix of different conventions..

Now everything can be looking the same, which is great :)

General / Distributing SFML games on other websites.
« on: January 01, 2012, 03:39:07 am »
They would know how to decode machine's native code by their naked eye, woooooo :)

Absolutely not. If someone is about to attempt cracking your game executable, it will be probably the same whether he knows what you used or not.

SFML projects / ParabolaEngine - 2D Game Framework
« on: October 30, 2011, 04:42:12 pm »

I've compiled a little sample showing Kinesis in action, the physics system on top of Box2D, natively implemented in ParabolaEngine.


Not a big deal, but should be fun to play with and give you a little taste of what can be done in the engine :)

Press R to spawn a randomly sized circle or box at the mouse position. You can drag the objects with the mouse.

Feedback always appreciated :)

SFML projects / ParabolaEngine - 2D Game Framework
« on: October 18, 2011, 12:21:09 pm »
As for the game logic stuff, it is designed to be all kept in a scene graph.

Every object of your game can and should be integrated in the scene graph, either as a proper node, or as a node's member variable.

This way, you keep a high level of flexibility and logic,and when something needs to be closed, when nothing is using it anymore, it will be able to destroy itself, with custom destruction code for your nodes.

For example, you have your game like this:

SceneRoot -> CustomNodeToHoldStuff
                -> WorldMap1 -> Layer1
                                     -> Layer2

There are nodes which have a clear purpose, while you can create other nodes that you use as placeholders for organization purposes.

An example of employing the power of such structure.. Imagine that WorldMap1 is a full featured side view map, with physics and so on, it is normally rendered full screen (as the default sfml view). If you suddenly feel like you want your map rendered in a little frame somewhere in your screen, you just add a SceneCamera configured for that frame, as the WorldMap1 parent, and it imediatly becomes affected, so that all children to the camera suffer from that view, and then it returns back to the previous view.

This concepts are still under progress, the engine base is there, but now I need to prove the design i have planned with demonstrations etc, improving along the way, and even adding stuff (not all of this is 100% working yet)

SFML projects / ParabolaEngine - 2D Game Framework
« on: October 18, 2011, 11:52:48 am »
I will definitely put it in github, as soon as i can, just need to learn a little how to manage it :)

Regarding the previous issue, i will only be able to support Windows for now, but i don't have a problem with fixing the code wherever it needs to, so someone can do the mac build properly.

I am at the moment working in the level editor for the side-view maps, part of the engine's toolset. Building up feature by feature.

SFML projects / ParabolaEngine - 2D Game Framework
« on: October 18, 2011, 10:32:55 am »
It will be open-source my friend, i just packed the minimum this time :)

It is not tested for mac at all right now, i dont have the means to do that yet, but im sure it can be made with a few changes, all libraries are cross-platform, if im not mistaken :)

SFML projects / ParabolaEngine - 2D Game Framework
« on: October 18, 2011, 01:19:15 am »
What do you mean? its completely different : )

Anyway, i am developing the engine actively, trying to fix stuff and improve the rest. The current package available has a lot of things working, but it is in a state for testing features, discussing its design and building demonstrations, rather than already make full games.

I will keep working and publishing new releases, specially if someone is taking a look at it! I know it is not mature yet, but a part of it becoming that is exactly a community to help out :)

Thanks anyway, for the support :)

SFML projects / ParabolaEngine - 2D Game Framework
« on: October 16, 2011, 01:16:45 am »
Bump, check first post please! :)

Audio / How to delete a sound?
« on: October 15, 2011, 09:25:32 pm »
Or at least having a sound list, which you will delete later. Think of new and delete as a source block { }

If you open ( { , new) , you've got to close ( } , delete).

As great as this project may look, i can't feel inspired looking at it until you have more appealing examples ahah :)

You really need some beautiful screenshots :)

General / Adding Events to the Event queue
« on: October 08, 2011, 01:29:27 am »
Indeed. I kind of make love with libsigc++ . If you 're looking for signal slot systems, i really vote on it :)

Graphics / [Solved] Sprite Fade Out?
« on: September 29, 2011, 11:44:00 pm »
More or less, this is the update in my engine's animation on colors.

Code: [Select]
void AnimationColorRange::Update(float Time){

AnimationTime += Time;

Color color;

if(AnimationTime > Duration){
color = EndColor;
color.a = BeginColor.a + (unsigned int)(((EndColor.a-BeginColor.a)*AnimationTime)/Duration);
color.r = BeginColor.r + (unsigned int)(((EndColor.r-BeginColor.r)*AnimationTime)/Duration);
color.g = BeginColor.g + (unsigned int)(((EndColor.g-BeginColor.g)*AnimationTime)/Duration);
color.b = BeginColor.b + (unsigned int)(((EndColor.b-BeginColor.b)*AnimationTime)/Duration);


for(unsigned int i = 0; i < AnimatedObjects.size(); i++){

The function computes the right color for the time that has passed already, based on a BeginColor and a EndColor specified beforehand.

If you're sprites are in the hypothetic AnimatedObjects array, the whole screen fades in or out.

Hope it helps.

Graphics / [Solved] Sprite Fade Out?
« on: September 29, 2011, 10:19:07 pm »
Does not matter, whats wrong is the animation friend.

The simple fact there is a for loop changing the alpha doesnt seem correct, its not done with a for loop at all, rather with calculations.

Hope it helps :)

Graphics / [Solved] Sprite Fade Out?
« on: September 29, 2011, 12:43:11 am »
Im not sure you 're doing it the right way. The first snippet, unless running in a thread, shouldn't do an animation at all.

You're trying to evolve the alpha channel of the sprite in a single pass, while that won't allow anything to be displayed in-between the begining and ending state of the alpha animation. You need to do the alpha change over time.

That meaning each frame, before you render everything, you should call the update, and pass it the elapsed time since the last frame, and update only by that fraction of time.

The fade in and fade out are exactly the same thing, but inverted. Try to solve it on your own with this information :)

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