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Messages - Grimshaw

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General discussions / Who Are You? (the obligatory interview thread)
« on: September 02, 2011, 06:36:15 pm »
Quote from: Haikarainen
Quote from: "Ricky"

Hehe, priorities my friend, priorities. Also; Never forget the act of daydreaming! Visualize what you want to achieve by the age of 40, and attempt at all costs to achieve it in 1 year! Something i've learned recently that i value hugely. I think about how i can optimize code and create the coolest thing of my imagination when im;
    taking a shit
    about to sleep
    wake up
    taking a shower
    space out and overanalyze stuff

Really visualise it, see the final result in front of you, literally on your retina, and use the willpower you grow by doing so on achieving it. Set up goals/steppingstones and on every goal achieved; reward yourself!
Embrace all good, never even focus on negative thoughts like "I could never achieve this; Microsoft worked on a similiar result for 5 years!". Well microsoft sucks and they work for money, not spirit ;)

You are the man, cannot tell how much i identified with your point of view!

I work all day, and i always try to find willpower to work everyday at night in my stuff! All the time i cannot be coding, i try to visualize what i want, so im pretty focused when i start to work on the things i planned all day! I am 19 and i expect to be a known developer in the next 5 years, but i do just my best to become that as soon as possible, who knows i will be able to publish something good in less than one year and become sucessfull!

Something i've concluded from indie teams/individuals way of working, its not about quantity, its about quality.
You may NOT have the resources to invest in big time code, but you learn to do it in a clever and beautiful way in a small time and a low budget. Indies tend to achieve things that people with the corporate experience would never do alone.

Thats the key, WILLPOWER!

General discussions / Who Are You? (the obligatory interview thread)
« on: September 02, 2011, 03:15:35 am »
What a marvelous topic to read :)

I am a little too fresh blood to have anything good to tell, but i will try !

So, first of all, a big UP for all you guys for being such inspiring people, and another big UP for communication, which makes these community a little better every day!

I go by the name of Artur Moreira, usually known as DevilWithin, like a programmer/gamer nickname, taken from somewhere in the Tekken series, which i loved since ever (probably one of the first games i played was Tekken 3).

I was born and live in Portugal, in a really confortable city near Porto. I love to learn languages that are way outside my confort zone, but i am only proficient with english and portuguese! I love to discuss religion, some politics, human behaviour, and i like to answer every question that pops in my head, i have huge creativity strikes, and really void periods, but i guess thats normal! Anyway i love to find a justification for why people act the way they do, how racional are we?

 I am 19 years old and unlike you guys, i didn't start early to program. Actually, until i was like 15, i didnt know how programs were made, at all.

But, at age 15, i started for good, and its been an intense ride so far! I picked up C language, old school and learnt it good. I took a little high school course about programming basics and general computer stuff. In the day i was learning the boring stuff i wouldnt look for on my own, reinforcing my knowledge and in the night learning way more advanced concepts in C and then C++, testing myself constantly by writing programs from all kinds. Also making side projects with new languages at all times.

So, in those three years i was learning a lot about everything, made a lot of software and then started on games and never stoped again! I used to play with OpenGL and basic stuff, making little demos, putting in PhysX physics, etc etc it was a bit overwhelming, but i kept going, learning from everywhere and those skills got better with time.

After those three years, i felt good about my knowledge, but also that it wasnt near my ambition yet, so i entered a Computer Science course in "Faculdade de Ciencias da Universidade do Porto" which i currently attend in the second year of my studies. Since then, i really went for top skills in programming, so i try to understand everything really good, to become an amazing programmer.

Like an year ago, i started a little engine to assist me in my games, using a few libraries like SFML and it simply evolved into a bigger project, with a really nice concept, my Parabola Engine, which i am really proud of, even tough its not done yet. Concurrently, i also program the games i really feel like doing! About this engine, i plan to release it completely free, to REALLY help people make their games, that would be the face of my company, a little like SFML community and then there would be the games i make for sale! I'm really trying to have a decent build for a first release these days, but there so much to do and so little time :)

While i do all these things, i also work full time in a Phone Store to make some cash!

Along the way i learnt how to play the guitar quite well, which was one of the best decisions i have ever had. I also developed my skills with visual arts as far as i could, learning to paint, model and other things!

My dream is to keep going in indie game industry, opening a small company, with a home-office, a website and my games for sale! This should be one-step away, as soon as i make a good-selling game.

I would love to have a team to make these games, but i am just waiting for the right people to show up, since most teams dont have what it takes to suceed as a group. For a reason i've tried to master the different areas of game development :)

I still have to find time for my girlfriend in themiddle of all of this, and i love to make long training sessions with my boxing bag :)

I would really like to get to know you people even better, by talking and sharing ideas more often. I wouldnt even mind to speak to each one of you every day in any IM software, as it would be a rich experience! I know like one person that makes games besides me! Some feedback about our projects is always welcome!

Also, im a boring guy because i wrote all this stuff ahha :)

Graphics / SFML2 Flickering
« on: August 21, 2011, 08:51:16 pm »
Hello guys,

Is there any known issue about window flickering with sfml 2?

Im doing the rendering the usual way, but i get a empty frame and then a normal frame, and so on. So, as frame yes, frame no, the screen is just black, i wonder what is happening!

Seems like a issue with double buffering, where one of the buffers is locked for writing..

I did a system("pause") before Window->Display() to be sure this is exactly whats is happening.

I have some other code in the middle of the rendering, that uses raw OpenGL, and i use Restore/Save States for that, but there seems to be something about this code that makes everything work normal, maybe some gl state.. More specificly, i use libRocket, and if there is a context to draw in the renderer, everything works normal, otherwise, the problem occurs.

Thanks for the help

Graphics / Weird problem with sf::Text
« on: August 20, 2011, 06:24:03 pm »
Hello everyone,

Im not sure if this is a known issue, but here it goes!

There is a piece of code that won't work in a laptop, but works fine in my desktop. They are both windows 7, but very different in hardware and openGL versions...

So, i have a class, with a sf::Text* member, it is perfectly initialized and rendering fine, but i get trouble when i try to change its String.

I have something like this:

Code: [Select]
void OnEvent(sf::Event Event){
     myText->SetString("new text"); //this works fine in laptop and desktop

     if(Event.Type == sf::Event::KeyPressed){
           if(Event.Key.Code == sf::Keyboard::F){
                  cout<<"This gets printed just fine when pressed"<<endl;
                  myText->SetString("tryyyy"); //this works in the desktop
                  //in the laptop, nothing changes at all, as well as any other calls like SetColor..

I hope it is understandable :)

General discussions / how to make clipping of images/text?
« on: August 19, 2011, 02:27:48 pm »
OpenGL Scissor regions should be the answer, if i didnt miss anything either ;D

General discussions / sf::Texture implemented in SFML 2
« on: August 07, 2011, 12:03:32 am »
Does it load the image anyway without regarding the GPU capacity like i've mentioned before? :)

SFML projects / Groogy's Game Engine
« on: July 16, 2011, 12:03:02 am »
I don't have a lot of time to get to know this piece of work better, but it absolutely looks fantastic :D

Great work, this is to give all support so you continue to invest your time in such a great way, keep going friend!

General / SFML CPU usage
« on: May 19, 2011, 08:04:48 pm »
There is a loop there, which goes on infinitely.

That means the CPU will process that loop as fast as it can. If you have a dualcore cpu, the 50% stands for one of cores processing at full speed.

I believe this is common in Real time applications!

What about a new version? :D I've been curious these days to play that ! :)

SFML projects / Thor C++ Library – An SFML extension
« on: April 30, 2011, 04:41:43 pm »
Very Cool Idea! Great library! Thanks ;)

SFML projects / Thor C++ Library – An SFML extension
« on: April 30, 2011, 02:44:36 pm »
Hey, would you mind explaining me this line?

Code: [Select]
map["run"] = (Action(sf::Key::LShift) || Action(sf::Key::RShift)) && Action(sf::Key::R);

map["run"] is getting a boolean value right? from the logic operators? If so, how does it actually record the keys?

told you, wont work ;D


Nothing happens when i click craft

I SImply can't craft anything :  (

Well, ive put stuff exactly right for the pistol, and nothing happens when i press craft :D

the same for ammo! I put a unit of metal in the right places, and it doesnt work

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