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Messages - Grimshaw

Pages: 1 ... 32 33 [34] 35 36 ... 40
And i still cant craft stuff, something is wrong :D

Question, how can i save my game? :D

Still, fantastic work! Good to see the good ones emerge :D

Im not used with sfml networking at all brother!

But you probably need to write a function to send the items individualy! I don't think a vector or a list can go binary and back without harm :D

I wonder, since i had to create an account and stuff, will it be multiplayer or something?

Should be fun to have company in that lonely world ;D

Why not speed things up a little? more resources, more movement speed a little, for both player and zombies, to make it more of a fast-paced action game!

Days seem long, a way to check what time it is could help! As well as a couple of hours zombie-free, to invest in RPG aspects, while the rest of the time, fight like crazy!

Also, please insert a feature to inform the player of whats happening, like a log message that stays some seconds, such as "You have obtained scrap metal x1".

If the resource thingies could throw up recipes with a low chance, could help guessing the combinations, i guess :D

and cmon, let us see the pistol working :D

Good job man, the game was not perfect yet, not 100% playable yet, but i simply loved the way you finish well the features that are already there!
Everything that was there, seemed to work nice, which really made it taste better :D

I will have the pleasure to play your game through when there are more things, for now i will just experiment here and there because it gets boring without the action :D

I played your game a bit! It is pretty cool, no doubts :D

I didnt manage to make the pistol :(

Still, i enjoyed it! Good job! You got my support :D

General / Cost of sf::Sprite and sf::Text
« on: April 11, 2011, 10:05:47 pm »
It is actually as light as it looks :D

Sprites are ultra-fast except if you consider that they are individual quads being drawn, which slows down the process :)

SFML projects / ParabolaEngine - 2D Game Framework
« on: March 30, 2011, 09:01:20 pm »
Time is short, i hadnt much time to work these days, university exams and stuff :)

Still, from what ive been able to do, the engine is getting better gradually.

The way of using the engine is now a little improved. The engine works as a game environment, where multiple games are easily plugged in, run parallel, and changing between the active game, like the windows explorer, somehow

I think this design is clean enough, and promotes an object-oriented design when you make games :)

Something like this would make that engine environment run:
Code: [Select]
ParabolaEngine *Engine = new ParabolaEngine(argc, argv);


return 0;

Then, you would need to add a game with a line such as:
Code: [Select]
Engine->GetGameManager()->AddGame(Game, true, true);

...where Game is an object from the user's class inheriting from GameCore. That class already provides draw callbacks, update callbacks, event handling and more :)

The environment will be fetching the events directly, and dispatching them to running games, making them update in a fixed step, while allowing arbitrary FPS for drawing :)

More news soon, there is more things to say :)

heishe, if you are interested in using the engine, why not add me in msn, i will use all information from you to improve the engine, and make a better release, while allowing you to begin using it right away(or almost) :)

Graphics / Image loading question
« on: March 27, 2011, 06:58:22 pm »
Yeah, i agree to leaving Image as it is, and creating something else specificly for this ;D

Graphics / Image loading question
« on: March 27, 2011, 03:35:18 pm »
I agree with your opinion, even tough it still makes sense to me that LoadFromFile actually loads something, even if too big for the gpu :D

LoadFromFile would still return false, as the texture failed to load, but the pixels were actually loaded in memory. I think it makes sense specially because we must check if the image loaded sucessfully or not.

Also, sf::Image could have a new method, for a RAM load only, something only for that purpose :D

But no hurries, think about it and decide whats best, i really trust your judgement :D


Graphics / Image loading question
« on: March 27, 2011, 12:30:45 am »
I meant, in case of failure, allow the user to keep the pixels in sf::Image, while not having a GL texture :)

Graphics / Image loading question
« on: March 26, 2011, 11:52:26 pm »
I suggest a new parameter to LoadFromFile() with a default value.

Image.LoadFromFile("mypng.png", true);

being the "true" something like "Keep the pixels".

sf::Image::LoadFromFile(string Filename, bool KeepPixels = false){...}

What do you think?

No change at all for sfml users and a new option is added if thats the user's will :)

Plus, shouldnt be too painful to implement the new functionality :P

Graphics / Image loading question
« on: March 26, 2011, 11:36:31 pm »
Hello, when a sf::Image is loaded, and it gives an error of the kind "resolution not supported by graphic card" because it is too big, i know it won't be usable as a Sprite, but are the pixels loaded? as if i wanted to manipulate the image?


SFML projects / ParabolaEngine - 2D Game Framework
« on: March 07, 2011, 03:36:19 am »
Website & Forum & Documentation improved.

A Pre-Pre-Release was added to downloads page. You can now mess with the engine a bit.

It is not stable yet or anything, but should be working. There isnt a lot of documentation to guide you yet, but I can help if something is needed.
use the forums if you can or want ;)

There are a few systems working that you can start playing with.

Thanks everyone and more news soon!

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