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Messages - albert

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Graphics / Refresh window Qt
« on: February 24, 2009, 07:04:08 am »
Hello??? Anybody here??? Am I the only one using Qt and SFML?

Graphics / Refresh window Qt
« on: February 16, 2009, 08:15:41 am »

I don't have much experience in using SFML, so forgive me if my questions are a bit stupid.

I have developped a simple application using Qt 4.4.3 and SFML 1.4. It justs grabs images from the hard drive and shows them inside a Qt MainFrame, changing them at a fixed frame rate. Then I made a simple dialog in order to choose the images I wanted to show.

In order to show the images inside a Qt widget I used the example code I found in the tutorial section, with the difference that I derived QSFMLCanvas from QFrame and not from QWidget.

This works perfectly when running my program under Windows XP Pro, but the same code has problems in Ubuntu Hardy 8.04 and 8.10. It shows images but when a window is placed in front of the images, SFML refreshes everything, including the top window. Is this a *bug* or am I missing something???

Another smaller problem is that the window does not refresh images when I am moving it. This happens in both Windows and Linux.

Can anybody help?

Thanks in advance,

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