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Messages - Pururuto

Pages: [1]
General / Re: Using thread on function that have music as argument
« on: May 19, 2013, 01:12:37 pm »
As I write two functions that use while statement, I realized that I can't run the screen fade and music ending functions at the same time.
This is the wrong approach. What if you now want to animate a character? Of fade a second music? Are you going to spawn a separate thread for every task? Why can't you update all these tasks inside a single loop?

For your problem, there are two solutions:
- sf::Thread thread(&endMusic, std::ref(music)); (C++11 only)
- using a pointer
Thank you for answering.
Actually, I did modify my code and run both the screen fade and music fade on the same function so they can happen at the same time, I am just curious on the error " \include\sfml\system\noncopyable.hpp(67) : see declaration of 'sf::NonCopyable::NonCopyable'"
So I'll have to use sf::Thread thread(&endMusic, std::ref(music)); or change my function parameter into void endMusic(std::Music *music), right ?

General / Using thread on function that have music as argument
« on: May 19, 2013, 12:46:28 pm »
I'm currently trying to make a game using SFML.
And my idea is, to make a function that ends a music smoothly by decresing its volume to zero before stopping it. As I write two functions that use while statement, I realized that I can't run the screen fade and music ending functions at the same time.
So I tried to use multithreading.
But when I wanted to do that, I got this error :
\include\sfml\system\noncopyable.hpp(67) : see declaration of 'sf::NonCopyable::NonCopyable'

My function code :

void endMusic(sf::Music &music){
sf::Clock clock;
sf::Time volumeDownInterval;

in my main function, I wrote :
int main(){
sf::Music music;
sf::Thread thread(&endMusic,music);


        while (window.isOpen())
        sf::Event event;
        while (window.pollEvent(event))
            if (event.type == sf::Event::Closed)

I've also read about Mutexes but I don't think there's an exception from the music function, as I tried it before and had the music to fade out first before the screen fades.
I have known SFML for only a week, so I'd be happy to hear out your opinions about my problem. Thank you.

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