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Messages - jbadams

Pages: [1]
Feature requests / Collisin Detection
« on: March 08, 2009, 07:35:15 am »
I'd prefer this be kept out of SFML itself personally; as a generalised multimedia and windowing library I think this is something that would be inappropriate or would need adjustment for a lot of potential SFML applications.

For simple games or other applications that require this it's often fairly easy to whip up your own quick solution, and in cases where something more sophisticated and/or scaleable is called for it's probably better to look at integrating one of the many existing libraries that offer such functionality.

Feature requests / Clipboard Support
« on: July 08, 2008, 09:23:38 am »
Sounds to me more like something that would be good as a very leightweight stand-alone library - for one thing, your example usage doesn't actually make sense yet in absense of a GUI package.

It just occured to me that you might be using a binding which implements this in a different way, or perhaps there are changes in the latest version available from SVN?  If either of these are the case feel free to ignore me.

FlipX and FlipY are member functions which flip the sprite along the specified axis, not variables, and thus there aren't accessors or mutators -- what is it that you're actually returning from the accessors you say you've added, the value of the myIsFlippedX and myIsFlippedY private members?

SFML website / SFML website has moved
« on: February 29, 2008, 04:21:48 pm »
Very snappy, keep up the great work.

Graphics / PNG loader might be broken in 1.2
« on: February 13, 2008, 11:45:50 am »
Quote from: "dunce"
I hate to go off-topic. But I found the Borland's help source that misled me when I started with Borland C++ Builder:
The long keyword designates a 32-bit integer. It can be preceded by either the keyword signed or the keyword unsigned. The int keyword is optional and can be omitted. To the MIDL compiler, a long integer is signed by default and is synonymous with signed long int. On 32-bit platforms, long is synonymous with int.
That would have been true for that compiler, but it doesn't neccesarily apply to others or to the language itself.

Quote from: "Laurent"
You simply can't link to a different version of the CRT than the libraries you're using.
SFML uses "Multithreaded Debug DLL" in debug mode, so you have to use it as well.
Or rebuild a copy of the libraries using the configuration you wish to use.

Feature requests / Helper classes
« on: January 29, 2008, 09:01:10 am »
This is something best handled by an external library in my opinion, there are already plenty of other options out there for this functionality.

Feature requests / Versioning numbers
« on: September 21, 2007, 12:50:54 pm »
Regarding the bug-fix update to SFML 1.1 announced on the website and in the releases thread, would it be possible to get a new revision number (a minor one such as 1.1.1 if you wish) for such fixes in future?  I understand that it's unlikely to cause significant if any difficulty given the current low install-base of the library and with this site being the only download source, but it's not particularly good practice that there are now effectively two different versions of the library out there labelled v1.1, particularly given that one of the versions is apparently buggy.  

As the library gains popularity similar releases in future without a new revision number could cause quite a headache for people supporting the library: "But which version x.y are you using?"

This isn't an issue with code checked out from the source repository as people should expect reduced support and the possibility of bugs from those, but I strongly feel that every official release should always be distinctly marked from previous versions.  You've created an excellent library with great documentation, and it would be a shame to see any increased difficulty in usability and support in future due to confusion about which version someone is using.

General / Strange characters in Title bar
« on: September 16, 2007, 09:53:28 am »
Sounds like exactly the same problem as in this thread.

Have you linked with the correct version of the libraries, and if you're currently compiling in debug mode are you using the debug versions (which end with "-d")?  When asking for help it can also be useful to let us know which programming environment and compiler you're using.

Hope that helps.  :)

SFML website / SFML Development Roadmap
« on: September 05, 2007, 05:31:48 pm »
Thanks for the response, and keep up the excellent work!

SFML website / SFML Development Roadmap
« on: September 03, 2007, 04:17:55 pm »
Could we perhaps get some sort of roadmap indicating probable future development added either to the site or the documentation?

It looks like you're developing an excellent little library here, and it certainly looks like something I'll be happy to recommend to others once I've had the chance to play with it a bit more myself, but it would be nice to have an idea of what additions are planned for future versions and perhaps a rough indication of priority between planned features and what is likely to constitute a new stable release.

In any event, congrats on the excellent progress thus far, SFML looks very clean and well set out.

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