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Messages - Shout

Pages: [1]
General / Re: Problematic SFML/CodeBlocks on Windows
« on: May 30, 2013, 09:03:24 pm »
TDM (SJLJ) 64 bit version. This is what I get:

Using built-in specs.
Target: mingw32
Configured with: ../gcc-4.6.2/configure --enable-languages=c,c++,ada,fortran,obj
c,obj-c++ --disable-sjlj-exceptions --with-dwarf2 --enable-shared --enable-libgo
mp --disable-win32-registry --enable-libstdcxx-debug --enable-version-specific-r
untime-libs --build=mingw32 --prefix=/mingw
Thread model: win32
gcc version 4.6.2 (GCC)

I don't know if I have more than one version of gcc installed. How would I check/get rid of the conflicting version?
This is so much simpler on Linux..

General / Re: Problematic SFML/CodeBlocks on Windows
« on: May 30, 2013, 08:40:16 pm »
Gone through the tutorial once again, followed the steps, copied the DLLs over, almost done. Now I'm hit with this problem. Any advice?

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General / Re: Problematic SFML/CodeBlocks on Windows
« on: May 30, 2013, 06:14:55 pm »
Ok, all the Linker settings under the project (Debug and Release) point to sfml-graphics/window/system. Search directories point to include/lib in compiler/linker under Debug and Release. SFML_STATIC or otherwise, still I'm getting the same error. What else am I doing wrong?


I'm banging my head against a brick wall.

General / Re: Problematic SFML/CodeBlocks on Windows
« on: May 30, 2013, 05:54:16 pm »
I haven't done anything with the Debug, I've used the Link libraries under Release.

General / Re: Problematic SFML/CodeBlocks on Windows
« on: May 30, 2013, 03:37:33 pm »
Well Dropbox is giving me 503, so have another link:


General / Re: Problematic SFML/CodeBlocks on Windows
« on: May 30, 2013, 03:29:41 pm »
Probably for the best. Here:

General / Re: Problematic SFML/CodeBlocks on Windows
« on: May 30, 2013, 02:29:04 pm »
SFML_STATIC under #defines under Compiler settings under root project.
No change, I'm afraid.

General / Problematic SFML/CodeBlocks on Windows
« on: May 30, 2013, 01:25:23 pm »

Just signed up to the forums because I'm having problems getting SFML in CB under Windows to work properly, even compiling, building and running the example code (under the SFML 2.0 initial tutorial) is not working. I've attached what it's throwing back.

I've tried using all three of the libraries (SJLJ 32, SJLJ 64 and DW2) and none of them make a difference, so it appears as though it's something I'm failing at. I've properly pointed CB build options to the correct places (include/lib under SFML project > Search Directories > Compiler/Linker) and specified the Link libraries (Release > Linker settings > Link libraries > sfml-graphics/window/system) and tried defining the project as static under Compiler settings, but it's still throwing me back.

I must be doing something stupid or overlooking a small detail. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Pages: [1]