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Messages - MaxBarraclough

Pages: [1]
SFML projects / Re: Nehe OpenGL Tutorials Converted to SFML
« on: June 27, 2013, 09:26:47 pm »
I've gathered that's the 'correct' way to do it - I saw it says so in Events explained :: "The KeyPressed and KeyReleased events".

My question was: why does the event-handling work fine in the cpp file I linked to?

It listens for movement keys inside the
while (myWindow.isOpen())
loop, but outside (and after) the
while (myWindow.pollEvent(event))

Non-movement keys, such as Escape to quit, are handled within
while (myWindow.pollEvent(event))

If I move the movement-key listening to there, it causes stutter.

The code doesn't work perfectly, mind - moving the mouse causes stutter. I'll probably look at moving it to the correct way using isKeyPressed.

I think I've figured it out now: it works when and only when the key-press event is 'left over' from
while (myWindow.pollEvent(event))

This means if I move my mouse around (firing events which are ignored) when holding down the left arrow button, I can cause it to stutter, or even stop, as the event 'left over' is no longer the expected keyboard event, but the mouse event, which is duly ignored.

SFML projects / Re: Nehe OpenGL Tutorials Converted to SFML
« on: June 27, 2013, 03:37:26 pm »
xerpi, I've done something similar at https://github.com/MaxBarraclough/NeHe-SFML2

I've ported the first 12 lessons. It's based on Chris Briscoe's SFML 1 port, at https://github.com/cwbriscoe/

I've also moved it to CMake.

Although it's working, I can't figure out how the keyboard event-handling works, in, say, Lesson 10.
The movement-key handling beginning at line 286 of
seems to expect a sf::Event::KeyPressed to be there, despite that we've just run through our    "while (myWindow.pollEvent(event))" loop.

If I move the movement-key handling code up into the "while (myWindow.pollEvent(event))" loop, it stutters as one would expect.

Pages: [1]