Feature requests / Re: Message Boxes / Alerts
« on: October 04, 2014, 12:57:57 am »Well, I don't know about your own implementation, but with SFML the only thing that can report an error (!= can fail) is the font loading, and this can easily be prevented. So even if your code can fail at several places before being able to draw text in the window, you still have the solution to open a popup SFML window and display your error with sf::Font and sf::Text. Unless you really don't want to depend on sfml-graphics at all, of course.Not just my code, SFML as well. I've run on a system that had bad drivers, in which an OpenGL context couldn't be created. So unless you can draw your sf::Font and sf::Text without a window, then there is more than just the font loading, which tbh your solution of embedding a font into your source or program is a really really bad solution. To be portable that essentially means having a file somewhere that has an array containing the binary information of the font.
And by the way, if I remember correctly (too lazy to check again), Xlib doesn't even provide standard messages boxes. So the implementation of such a feature could be far more complicated than it seems.Which is why having it in a cross platform library, such as sfml, would make it useful. Oh well, off to C naming conventions with SDL.