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Messages - bobblehat

Pages: [1]
Graphics / Re: setSmooth, seams on tiles.
« on: July 09, 2013, 10:28:24 am »
The logic in that post does make sense - I'll have to convert to vertices instead.

Is there any reason Sprites don't take a FloatRect in their constructor, or automatically account for this? The comments in the code state that the IntRect in the constructor is to only show a specific part of the texture, which is exactly what I'm trying to do -- it just seems slightly silly that more pixels get displayed than I need, and a bit inconsistently.

Graphics / setSmooth, seams on tiles.
« on: July 09, 2013, 02:14:59 am »
So, I've been working on a simple tile engine for a 2D platformer today. There's an odd issue I keep having.

Essentially my program renders a subsection of a spritesheet as a texture for each tile, by putting them into sprites and then iterating over a collection of sprites. I then move around the map using sf::View.

However, at no regular interval but frequent enough I have this happen:

This is a screenshot with setSmooth enabled for the tileTexture to show what I mean (I understand these artifacts with this enabled - some blurring between tiles of the spritesheet would be inevitable) -- but the problem is that it happens without it.

My view is the same size as the screen resolution, but centered on the ball sprite.

I'm assuming I can get around this by using a RenderTexture to draw the level into memory, and redrawing that as a single texture/sprite every frame, but it seems strange as to why this is happening.

It just crops up for a single frame, and then disappears.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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