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Messages - Schnommus

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Heheh; that's indeed a good point. But it's kinda ironic that any program could potentially do that sort of thing.. You could run a network snooper on the binary if you like - nothing's being transmitted :).

Well, at least; not until the NSA bribe me ;)

SFML projects / Metanact - Filesystem spaceshooter: Written in SFML
« on: July 14, 2013, 05:19:11 am »
G'Day SFML Connoisseurs!

I'm Seb, & have been a long-time anonymous creeper of the SFML forums over the last couple of years; programming in C++ for ~6 years. Recently I've been working on an (ATM pretty simple) 2D game that involves exploring and conquering your computer's filesystem, thought you might be interested -- it looks like this (cropped):

In terms of code, Metanact was written completely from scratch in C++; using only a couple of libraries: namely SFML for graphics & audio, Boost.C++ for filesystem traversal; and JSONcpp for some parsing.

For a bunch more info, a gameplay video; and as a stab in the dark to see if anyone's interested in a more polished version, I've set up an IndieGogo page ( 'cause I'm Australian and not able to use kickstarter :( ) at igg.me/at/metanact. (I recommend watching the video in HD as it's been scaled down from 1080p to ~380p otherwise and looks much worse). Official site is up at metanact.com but there'll be much more on there soon.

Here are a few more random screenshots for good measure (third is cropped):

The game also has cinematics - there's a clip of one in the IndieGogo video.

Again, there's a tonne more info at igg.me/at/metanact. In any case; if you'd like to make me (and my 'team' of sorts) extremely happy, support the project and we'll love you forever :D. IMHO risk is nonexistant as the funding is fixed - we don't make target; you get your money back.

Guess I'd better give a huge thanks to Laurent for the absolutely fantasmic library; and the forum which has always answered my questions; even if it was through a google-search and not a thread of my own creating, heheh. So - if any of you SFML folks happen to fork out for tiers >= $6 and PM me your username, I'll list a name of your choosing under a credits heading specific to SFML in-game.

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