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Messages - adan

Pages: [1]
SFML projects / Radiant Laser Cross
« on: December 03, 2010, 02:08:19 pm »
Hey Klaim!

Are you considering adding enemies before the end of 2010? ;)

I know you're really busy with too much projects, but I'm curious about testing this shmup with enemies.
As soon as I have internet at home (blame latest tenant who didn't end their contract with the phone line!!!!) I'll update sources to try the game and see how difficult it is to add enemies according to your existing sources. If I have time, maybe I'll do it :)

SFML projects / New SFML.Net game: Atom Zombie Smasher
« on: November 24, 2010, 10:08:27 am »
Hi Brendon,

All right! It's just you wrote your post in september on the SFML forum and I didn't read the release date on your website. I was thinking you were taking no rest to work so fast ;)

I've a more technical question : didn't you have any trouble with Mono? (Packagining, compatibility issues...) I'm thinking of using .net framework instead of classical C++ (as I'm used to) to launch a project because I'm using it a lot at my daily job and I like working with this framework. So I just wanted to know if Mono is ok in a daily work or if you still work with Visual Studio and just compile with mono when you're done with you project.

And a more general concern question : did you do all gfx by yourself? Because Air forte seems to be really well polished and graphics looks pretty good.

SFML projects / New SFML.Net game: Atom Zombie Smasher
« on: November 23, 2010, 02:53:38 pm »
Hey, this looks promising and nice! Congrats, I'm really curious about giving it a try ;)

Correct me if I'm wrong, but Air forte (that I still have to test!) is out there only since a couple of weeks, right? So, how long did it take you to create Atom Zombie Smasher? It seems you're very fast to develop!

BTW Atom Zombie Smasher is in 3D, so which part(s) of it are made using SFML ?

What is the schedule for the delivery?

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