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Messages - LifePhilPsyPro

Pages: [1]
General / Re: Deleting objects
« on: July 18, 2013, 03:40:29 pm »
I hear what you are saying. Thanks!
Ill try and fix that,and hopefully will learn RAII asap :)

General / Re: Deleting objects
« on: July 18, 2013, 03:23:24 pm »
Thanks guys for the quick reply.
Well i do check,to make sure i am not deleting twice.
      int DeadAlive = Dragon->TestIfDead();
      MonPtr = Tail;
      if(DeadAlive == true)
         if(Tail == Dragon){
            MonPtr = Dragon;
            Dragon = Dragon->Node;
            delete MonPtr;
         else if(Dragon->Node == NULL){
            MonPtr = Dragon;
            Dragon = Tail;
            delete MonPtr;
            for(short NDC = 0; NDC < DC; NDC++){
               MonPtr = MonPtr->Node;
               if(NDC + 1 == DC){
                  Dragon = MonPtr;
                  Dragon->Node = Dragon->Node->Node;
            delete MonPtr;

Here is a part of the code. THe one that is crashing...
Dragon is an object. Well,actualy its a linked list. Tail is obviously the pointer to the first Object of the linked list and MonPtr is just a ptr that is used to delete dead dragons.
So as you see i check if the monster is dead,if it is i try to delete it.
So as much as i can tell i am not deleting twice. Is there something i am missing? :)

General / Deleting objects
« on: July 18, 2013, 02:48:28 pm »
Why is it that i cant delete any objects in the
while (window.isOpen())
Whenever i try to delete an object. Now matter what the object is or how it is defined the Program just crashes with an error of
_BLOCK_TYPE_IS_VALID (pHead->nBlockUse)
The loop might be fully empty (except the delete function) and it will crash anyways.
Thanks in advance.

Pages: [1]