D / Re: DSFML + Mac OS X
« on: July 20, 2013, 11:18:32 am »It does, but DMD is actually a front end of the compiler. It uses different back ends for different systems. You actually came up with the answer I was looking for as DMD uses gcc for linkage on OSX.
When using DMD it has its own -L switch in order for it to know what to pass to the linker. So I guess it is actually going to be:Code: [Select]dmd main.d system.d audio.d graphics.d window.d network.d -L-L/usr/local/lib/ -L-lcsfml-system -L-lcsfml-audio -L-lcsfml-graphics -L-lcsfml-network -L-lcsfml-window
And if that works it means the idea I had will work perfectly!
Just tried it now, and the compilation was successful!