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Messages - Légulysse Des Bois

Pages: [1]
SFML projects / Re: Molyjam 2013 - Black and White and Colors
« on: July 17, 2013, 09:27:40 pm »
Thanks !
We are not planning much about this project, since everyone is working on different things. We may fix a few parts like the glowing effect, but our intent is to let the game as it was at the end of the jam  ;)

SFML projects / Molyjam 2013 - Black and White and Colors
« on: July 16, 2013, 09:28:39 pm »
Hi everyone !

During the Molyjam, I worked 48h with 3 people on a game based on SFML, called Black and White and Colors.

> http://www.molyjam.com/games/124 <  (Windows build only)

It's a short puzzle game, where you have to get through a dozen of rooms. You have to change your own color in order to interact with other elements, each of them being connected to a single color.

The game is short, but very stable and polished. The only major problem occurs with the glowing effect on lights, which can be a bit strange/aggressive depending on the computer.
We were 3 programmers and 1 game/level designer. We created most of the assets ourselves : the graphics programmer designed all the sprites, and I mixed the soundtrack. The sound effects were found on the net.
We used SFML for the render, with a custom system of components tree (relative positioning, multi-line text) with multiple render pass, to improve shader usage.
The levels are xml-based.

We spent something like 30 hours on the architecture of the gameplay and the rendering pipe, then created all the levels and implemented the rules. The last 4 hours were spent testing and fixing everything.

Hope you'll enjoy it  ;)

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