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Messages - madmark

Pages: [1]
Love this and I already have it in my current project.

2 suggestions:

I added the Draw() method to the cpObject class (empty function, virtual) so that I could put all my controls in a std::list and draw then in a loop.

I need an image button that has 4 states (normal, mouseover,pressed, disabled). I have this already done, but outside the cpGUI system. If there is interest I will move it into the namespace and hook it up.

General / Mac/Xcode current working directory?
« on: August 15, 2009, 11:58:16 am »
Sounds like you are almost there, you have the content in the bundle.

/Contents/Resources will not work because it is lokking for a mounted volume called "Contents".

I'm afraid I'm not much help because it just seems to work for me (I'm also a Windows guy, well ex-windows anyways). I have my files in folders under "Resources" in the bundle and they are accessible using the same code under Windows and Mac.

My runtime directory under Win:


The Art, Scripts and XML Directories are copied into the bundle and are accessible using the same code as Windows.

Hope this helps some...

General discussions / Is good enough?
« on: August 05, 2009, 04:43:55 pm »
Core Xii,

I'm one of those "seasoned programmers" you speak of, 20+ years as a game developer.

I have published titles based on Ogre3D and ClanLib as well as using a number of other Open Source libraries, including Lua which I have co-written a book ("Game Development with LUA").

I am using SFML 1.5 in my current project because Ogre3D is way too heavy for this project and ClanLib has all but abandoned the Mac platform (though I am now concerned about SFML as the Mac maintainer has announced his retirement). I use Open Source libraries because I don't want to write the same functionality myself. Why would I spend my time re-inventing the wheel when a perfectly good wheel is available free or for the cost of making some of my additions available to the other users of the libraries?

In fact, I would say that anyone, no matter how rich in resources, that would rather "roll their own" is being grossly foolish.

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