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Messages - TekTech

Pages: [1]

I'm simply trying to get anything working with SFML. I've got all of the libraries included. When I compile, I don't get any errors or warnings. However, when I run the my code it says:

<terminated> gamename.exe [C/C++ Application] C:\....exe

I copied the tutorial verbatim. Basically I narrowed my problem down to this:

If I use anything in the SFML libraries, it terminates as soon as I start it.

Here is an example of what I mean by anything...

int main(){
sf::Time time;
cout << "nothing\n";

This will be terminated... but if I comment out sf::Time time; it will run fine.

Any input? I couldn't find anyone having this same problem anywhere, so I wonder if it's just a configuration issue in Eclipse.

Thanks for your time and comments.

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